A-PRECISE: Implementing consumer and workforce empowerment and engagement strategies to enhance safety and quality by building capacity to prevent and manage infections in residential aged care homes

Project: Research

Project Details

Project Description

People living in residential aged care homes (RACHs) are at high risk of contracting healthcare-associated infections (HAIs); the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in this setting. Our multidisciplinary and consumer team will examine the facilitators and barriers to effective infection prevention and control practices in RACHs. We will use a novel co-design approach to develop, implement and evaluate a tailored and innovative strategy to quantify prevalence of HAI’s, identify needs and priorities for intervention to reduce HAIs in RACHs. This strategy will include education and other resources for consumers and staff, and the first electronic tool for point prevalence surveillance of healthcare-associated infections in RACHs in Australia. Our rigorous co-design approach will ensure that the strategy is feasible and acceptable and therefore, more likely to be sustainable and ultimately reduce HAIs in RACHs.
Short titleA-PRECISE: Australia PReventing infECtions In reSidential agEd care
Effective start/end date3/10/2228/03/25