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American Associated Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Innovation in Teaching Award
Malone, Daniel (Recipient), Galbraith, Kirsten (Recipient), Lyons, Kayley (Recipient), Brock, Tina (Recipient), Larson, Ian (Recipient), White, Paul (Recipient), Mak, Vivienne (Recipient), Khera, Harjit (Recipient) & Costelloe, Marian (Recipient), Jul 2022
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
Kent, Fiona (Recipient), Anderson, Amanda (Recipient), Brock, Tina (Recipient), Kumar, Arunaz (Recipient), Walker, Lorraine (Recipient) & Wright, Caroline (Recipient), 23 Feb 2022
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Education Excellence: Teaching Excellence
Galbraith, Kirsten (Recipient), Malone, Daniel (Recipient), Lyons, Kayley (Recipient), Brock, Tina (Recipient), Larson, Ian (Recipient), White, Paul (Recipient), Mak, Vivienne (Recipient), Nicolazzo, Joseph (Recipient), Exintaris, Betty (Recipient), Fradinho Bruno, Andreia (Recipient), Khera, Harjit (Recipient) & Costelloe, Marian (Recipient), 2022
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Fellow, International Pharmaceutical Federation
Brock, Tina (Recipient), 2 Sept 2018
Prize: National/international honour
Interprofessional Global Award
Meiklejohn, Sarah (Recipient), Brock, Tina (Recipient), Kumar, Arunaz (Recipient), Maddock, Bronwyn (Recipient), Walker, Lorraine (Recipient), Wright, Caroline (Recipient) & Kent, Fiona (Recipient), 9 Nov 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Teaching Excellence Award (Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Brock, Tina (Recipient), Efendie, Benny (Recipient), George, Johnson (Recipient), Kadirvelu, Amudha (Recipient), Kent, Fiona (Recipient), Yeng, Lee Chooi (Recipient), Lindley, Jennifer (Recipient), Sivalal, Sadasivan (Recipient) & Vu, Thao (Recipient), 16 Oct 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Vice Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence in a Priority Area
Brock, Tina (Recipient), Kent, Fiona Maree (Recipient), George, Johnson (Recipient), Lindley, Jennifer (Recipient), Kadirvelu, Amudha (Recipient), Yeng, Lee Chooi (Recipient), Efendie, Benny (Recipient), Vu, Thao (Recipient) & Sivalal, Sadasivan (Recipient), 27 Nov 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)