Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

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Personal profile


Steve Roberts is Professor of Education & Social Justice and Head of the School of Education, Culture and Society.

Steve is a sociologist and an internationally recognised expert in research in two areas: i) changes and continuitiues in boys and men's masculinity practices, and; ii) inequalities in young people’s transitions to adulthood. The former includes boys and men’s engagement with risky drinking; sexting; emotionality; computer gaming; violence; domestic labour; compulsory and post-compulsory education; employment. Steve has published widely in a variety of esteemed international journals, including The Sociological ReviewSociologyBritish Journal of Sociology of Education, Continuing Studies in Education, Boyhood Studies, British Educational Research Journal, Journal of Youth Studies, and New Media and Society. He is also (co)author of two monographs, (co)editor of six edited volumes, and co-author of the teaching text book 'Youth Sociology' (Palgrave, 2020). 

Steve is Associate Editor of Journal of Youth Studies, on the Editorial Board of Sociology, an International Advisory Editor of Men and Masculinities, a Director of the Board of Respect Victoria, and a member of Movember's Global Men's Health Advisory Committee. He was a member of VicHealth's inaugral Research Expert Advisory Panel, and also was a member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the Australian Institute for Family Studies ‘Ten to Men’ study from 2019-2021. He has been awarded competitive research funding from the UK's ESRC, the Australian Research Council, VicHealth, ANROWS, Dept. of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Dept. of Education, Skills and Employment, among others. He has undertaken a suite of work (with Karla Elliott), funded by VicHealth, looking to understand, evaluate and improve 'healthy masculinity' interventions aimed at boys and young men. He was also lead CI for the much publicised and prize winning 'Men’s Risky Drinking' project, funded by VicHealth, and co-lead (with Brady Robards) of research that was foundational to the development of Australia's 2021 Youth Policy Framework, funded by the Dept of Prime Minster & Cabinet. 

Steve joined Monash University in February 2015, and was based in the School of Social Sciences for seven years before moving to the Faculty of Education, where among other things he has served as Associate Dean Graduate Research. Prior to joining Monash he held ongoing academic positions at the School of Education, University of Southampton, and then at the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent. Steve obtained an MA in Social Research Methods, a PhD in Social Policy (both funded by the UK's Economic and Social Research Council) and his teaching qualifications all at University of Kent.  

Supervision interests

 Steve is keen to hear from prospective research students who are interested in projects focussing on some aspect of either (broadly speaking):

1) men, masculinity, inequality and social change – this might be changes and continuities in masculinity, men's employment, boys or men's education trajectories and expriences, risk taking, friendships, social media engagments, homophobia, sexuality, drinking practices etc. 


2) young people’s transition to adulthood and their experience of the contemporary world - this might be gender identities (especially masculinity), housing, family formation, leisure lives, risk taking, cultural consumption, education or work, for example.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 1 - No Poverty
  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

External positions

Global Men's Health Advisory Committee, Movember Foundation


Committee Member, Alliance of Working Class Academics

2023 → …

Board Director, Respect Victoria


Research Expert Advisory Panel, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (trading as VicHealth)


Co-editor, Emerald Advances in Masculinities, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd

2020 → …

Associate Editor, Journal of Youth Studies

Jan 2018 → …

International Advisory Editor, Men and Masculinities

2018 → …

Co Editor in Chief, Sociological Research Online

Jan 2016Jan 2020

Research area keywords

  • Masculinities
  • Youth transitions
  • Social Class
  • Young People
  • Social Justice
  • Men and masculinity
  • Social Change
  • Higher education and lifelong learning
  • Precarity
  • Sexting
  • Alcohol
  • Men's Behaviour Change
  • Education and Work
  • Education aspirations
  • Digital cultures

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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