Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Sustainable consumption
Consumer decision making
Consumer psychology


Research activity per year

Personal profile


Soo Yeong Ewe (尤淑容) is a senior lecturer in the Department of Marketing at Monash University Malaysia. Her current research interests include consumer psychology and behavior in the contexts of sustainable marketing and consumption, and financial decision making. Other areas of research interest include personal selling and sales management, marketing-finance interface and technology adoption. Her research mainly applies experimental approach. Her work has been published in respected journals such as Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, International Journal of Bank Marketing, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance and Journal of Behavioral Finance. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience in tertiary education and some years of corporate experience. She is also a HRDF certified trainer and is available to conduct corporate training. On top of teaching, training and research, she is actively engaged with external organizations such as the Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School Working Committee (MICSS) as a committee member of the curriculum board, and Tzu Chi Foundation (a Taiwanese international humanitarian and non-governmental organization) as a commissioner.


Research interests

  • Consumer behavior
  • Judgment and decision making
  • Sustainable consumption
  • Personal selling and sales management
  • Experimental approach

Monash teaching commitment

  • MKW1120 Marketing Theory and Practice
  • MKW 2420 Marketing Research Methods
  • MKW 2500 Retail Marketing
  • MKM 5955 Marketing and International Consumer

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action

Education/Academic qualification

PhD, Recent Experience and Financial Decision Making: The Role of Regulatory Focus and Regulatory Closure, Monash University Malaysia


Award Date: 24 Feb 2017

Master of Economics, Universiti Malaya (University of Malaya)


Award Date: 5 Sept 2002

Bachelor of Management(1st class Honours), Universiti Sains Malaysia (University of Science Malaysia)


Award Date: 3 Aug 1997

Research area keywords

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Experiment
  • Decision Making
  • Sustainable Consumption
  • Consumer Psychology
  • Personal selling

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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