Projects per year
Search results
Consumer consultation review of the statement on consumer and community involvement in health and medical research
Teede, H., Reeder, S. & Jones, A.
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (Australia)
8/01/24 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
The Impact of Spiritual Meaning-Making Processes on Cognitive Representations of the Physical Self After Traumatic Injury: A Qualitative Study
Nguyen, T. L., Giummarra, M. & Reeder, S.
8/02/23 → 7/06/23
Project: Research
Stakeholder perspectives on Machine learning clinical decision support in epilepsy
Kwan, P., Sparrow, R., Reeder, S., Ge, Z., Foster, E. & Howard, M.
23/08/21 → 23/12/22
Project: Research
An informatics approach to predict outcomes and monitor intervention efficacy following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
Fitzgerald, M., Gabbe, B., Lannin, N., Vallmuur, K., Curtis, K., Harrison, J., Young, J. T., Menon, D. K., Cullen, J. C., Armstrong, E., Eades, S., Cameron, P., Cooper, J., Fitzgerald, M., Balogh, Z., Fatovich, D., Honeybul, S., Jeffree, R. L., McNamara, R., Mitchell, G. J., Delaney, A., Reade, M. C., Wells, A., Williams, J. K., Ponsford, J., McDonald, S., Kendall, E., Ownsworth , T., Simpson, G., Togher, L., Hassett, L., Fleming, J., Williams, G. P., Collins-Praino, L., Reeder, S., Mobbs, R., Vickers, J. C., Anderson, V., Barlow, K., Holland, A. J. A., Scheinberg, A., Semple, B., Parizel, P. M., O'Brien, T., Law, M., Rose, S. E., Varma, D., Nasrallah, F., Shultz, S., Hellewell, S., Bosio, E., King , K., Parr, M., Udy, A., Hill, A. F., Olver, J., Teague, W. J., Egan, G., Fisher, M., York, L., Bynevelt, M., Maas, A. I., O'Reilly, G., McDonald, S., Capell, J., Gilroy, J., Walsham, J., Newcombe, V., Geraghty, T. J., Joyce, C. J., Rosenfeld, J., Elcock, M., Ross, J., Bragge, P., Meka, S., Chai, K., Cowen, G., Hasseler, L., Ercole, A., Wagland , J., Alexander, T., Babl, F. E., Bidargaddi, N., Mahoney, A. J., Wright, D., Crowe, L. M., Robinson, S., Rushworth, N., Hansen, M., Ellis, D., Zeeman, H., Francis, R., Whiley, L. & Reid, C. M.
1/07/21 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
T047_The uptake, benefits and impacts of telehealth care for hospitalised TAC clients and service providers
Ekegren, C., Gabbe, B., Reeder, S., Brusco, N., Callaway, L., Hill, K., Keeves, J., Kunstler, B. & Kimmel, L.
8/04/21 → 8/07/22
Project: Research
File -
Palliative care for unsurvivable burn injury in Australia and New Zealand
Tracy, L., Cleland, H., Gold, M. & Reeder, S.
1/01/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
TAC Poject T034 - Ageing with lifelong accident injuries: Building a body of evidence
Ekegren, C., Hill, K., Gabbe, B., Callaway, L., Beck, B., Lalor, A., Reeder, S., Giummarra, M. & Newnam, S.
1/04/20 → 30/09/20
Project: Research
T038 Ageing and Disability - Additional Analyses
Beck, B., Gabbe, B., Ekegren, C., Dipnall, J., Reeder, S., Simpson, P. & Gelaw, A.
26/03/20 → 31/08/20
Project: Research
RESTORE LD: REcovery after Serious Trauma – Outcomes, Resource use and patient Experiences study – linked data project
1/06/19 → 17/07/20
Project: Other
Advancing Women's Research Success Grant
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution
1/01/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
Health Services Research Fellowship with Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre.
1/01/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
OPOFT: Optimising Patient Outcomes Following Trauma
Gabbe, B., Reeder, S., Ekegren, C., Liew, D. & Cameron, P.
12/11/18 → 31/05/21
Project: Research
TAC - National and international perspectives to inform the TAC client housing strategy
Callaway, L., Tregloan, K., Bonyhady, B., Bowen, D., Gabbe, B., Reeder, S., Wiesel, I., Martel, A., Gohil, A., Lalor, A. & Moore, L.
1/10/18 → 1/03/19
Project: Research
MTReC: Alfred Major Trauma Recovery Coordinator (MTReC) Program
Gabbe, B., Ekegren, C. & Reeder, S.
1/01/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research