Research activity per year

Personal profile


Rosalie writes and presents widely in History education, history of Australian education, Australian history generally, and on WWI.

For 25 years, she helped facilitate the professional learning and practice of specialist teachers of History for Australian and overseas schools before retiring at the end of 2021 and becoming an adjunct senior lecturer.

She is President of the Federation of Australian Historical societies (2024-), a Fellow of The Royal Historical Society of Victoria (2020), a former Vice-President (2022-24), Chair of the Historical Societies Support Committee (2022-), and has been one of two RHSV delegates to the Federation of Australian Historical Societies (2020-). She has served voluntarily on the RHSV Council (2014-) and is Victoria's representative with the Australian National Museum of Education (2015-).

Rosalie served as President of the History Teachers' Association of Victoria (6 years), a Board member (further 24 years - total of 30) and is a Life Member, being the longest-serving contributor to the HTAV community in those capacities.

She was an invited contributor/consultant to the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority to review the first Australian Curriculum: History (2008-10), and received numerous invitations from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (formerly Board of Studies) to help write and/or review Victoria's 'History' F-10 curriculum documents; CSF, CSFII, VELS, AusVELS and Victorian Curriculum, as well as VCE C20th, VCE Australian History and VCE Classics study designs (1996-2021).

She was the school History teaching representative on the Australian Historical Association Executive (2010-20) and the National Archives of Australia (Vic) Consultative Forum (2004-15).

She has published general public as well as scholarly works and teacher/tutor professional learning and classroom resources for tertiary, secondary and primary education audiences. Her H1 research MEd of 'State Schooling and Civic and Citizenship Ideals in Victoria, 1872-1910' was the precursor to her award-winning doctoral thesis, '"Our Schools and the War": Victoria's Education Department and the Great War, 1914-18'.

Details on the above and other features of her work follow:

Awards demonstrating leadership or expertise in the field

  • Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to community and school history, and to tertiary education (2024)
  • 20 Monash University Vice-Provost (Teaching) “Purple” commendation letters since their introduction - for History Education in the Secondary Years (A) and (B), (2011-21)
  • Fellow: Royal Historical Society of Victoria (2020)
  • Monash University Vice-Chancellor Team Award (with 19 others): Faculty of Education International Professional Experience (2016)
  • Medal: Shrine of Remembrance for Outstanding Contribution to Community Understandings of Victorian Service and Sacrifice in Wars and Peace-Keeping (2015)
  • Merit Award: Federation of Australian Historical Societies for Services to History Education (2015)
  • Monash Student Association: Faculty of Education Outstanding Teaching Award (2014)
  • Council of Professional Teaching Associations Victoria: Award for Outstanding Service (2013)
  • Commended: Victorian Community History Publication Awards for ‘Our Schools and the War’ (2012)
  • University of Melbourne History of the University Unit Small Grant (2009-10)
  • Monash University Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal: ‘Our Schools and the War: Victoria’s Education Department and the Great War, 1914-18’ (2008)
  • Life Membership and Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Teaching and Learning of History and to the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria (2005)
  • Vietnam Veterans’ Association of Australia (Vic) Education Unit: Award for Ongoing Support (2003)
  • Australian Postgraduate Award to undertake PhD (2000)
  • Keizai Koho Scholarship Study Tour to Japan (2000)
  • Teaching Fellow Grant, Monash University, (1999-2000)
  • H1 for MEd (100% research): ‘State Schooling and Civic and Citizenship ideals in Victoria, 1872-1910’ (2000)
  • Korea University and Korea Foundation Scholarship for Korea Study Tour (1999)
  • Asia Education Foundation Thailand Study Tour (1996); producing A Thai Journey (1998)
  • First in Class (Dux) Archaeology, University of Melbourne (1979)
  • Victorian Education Department Teaching Scholarship (1978)
  • Josiah Wedgwood (Aust) Australian History Essay Prize (1978).

Six [only] exemplar scholarly research outputs

  • Triolo, Rosalie, ‘“Beyond 3 Rs”: The Seven Civic and Citizenship Ideals of State Schooling in Victoria, 1872-1910’, Victorian Historical Journal, RHSV, vol. 94, no. 1, June 2023, pp. 177-200
  • Triolo, Rosalie, ‘“Doing all that is Possible”: Women State School Teachers, Girls and Preferred Contributions to Victoria’s War Effort, 1914-1918’, Victorian Historical Journal [double blind peer review], RHSV, vol. 86, no. 1, pp. 83-103
  • Triolo, Rosalie, “For Good Character and Self-Denial”: The Education Department of Victoria and the Education of Girls’, From Study to Forum – Australian Women and Citizenship [peer review]: Australian Federation of University Women Conference Papers No. 1, 2003, pp. 54-65
  • Triolo, “Keeping your Eyes on Germany”: Victoria’s School Paper and Complicated Relationships with “the Germans”’, The La Trobe Journal: Journal of the State Library of Victoria, [peer review] Melbourne, vol. 96, 2015, pp. 135-51
  • Triolo, Rosalie, ‘Our Schools and the War’, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Kew, 2012
  • Triolo, Rosalie, ‘“Our War and the Pacific”: Allies and enemies in Victoria’s Education Department Publications, Australia, 1914-18’, History of Education Review: Official Journal of the Australian and New Zealand History of Education Society [double blind peer-review], vol. 39, no. 2, 2010, pp. 14-23.

Six exemplar History education (school/university/general public) publications

  • Triolo, Rosalie, The Australian Experience, ABCTV & Cambridge University Press, Oakleigh, 1996 – Australian history textbook to accompany 6-part Australian history television series of same title
  • Triolo, Rosalie, ‘“Being Historians and Detectives”: Inquiry into History’, Agora: Journal of the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria, Collingwood, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 50-54 - revised version of readings and workshop activities prepared for the Australian Government Australian History Summer School for Teachers, Australian National University, Canberra, January 2008
  • Triolo, Rosalie, Schooling, Service and the Great War, DVA, Canberra, 2014 – distributed as spiral-bound publication with poster and CD-ROM of additional sources to every Australian secondary school, public library, Federal and state Government department and RSL. Access the best and complete PDF 6.22 MB version at: https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/resources/schooling-service-and-great-war-secondary-resource
  • Triolo, Rosalie, Doyle, Helen & Johanson, Katya, Writing and Publishing Local History: A Guide for First-Time Authors and Historical Societies, RHSV & FAHS, Melbourne, 2017; also as https://www.historyvictoria.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/writing-and-publishing-local-history-guide.pdf
  • Balla, Paola of the WembaWemba & Gunditjmara Peoples; Cole-Adams, Jennet; Gauld, Judy; Jakobi, Mat of the Gunditjmara People & Triolo, Rosalie, Indigenous Service: Investigating the Wartime Experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People from the First World War to the Present, DVA, Canberra, 2013 – distributed as spiral-bound copy to every Australian primary and secondary school, public library, Federal and State Government department and RSL; also as: https://anzacportal.dva.gov.au/sites/default/files/docs/indigenous-service-secondary-2013.pdf 
  • Triolo, Rosalie & Lewis, Robert, A Thai Journey, Curriculum Corporation & Asia Education Foundation, Carlton South, 1998 – distributed to every Australian secondary school.

Six exemplar History/Humanities education professional learning activities (international audiences)

  • 'Historical Inquiry using Australian History, Part A' and 'Part B', 2019, Monash University Faculty of Education Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Program for Social Science Teachers from Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia, Vic, 2019
  • 'Inquiring that's exciting: Active Learning in Australian and Other Histories', 2019, Monash University Faculty of Education Building Leadership for Change Through School Immersion Saudi Program, Vic, 2019
  • 'Interdisciplinary Teaching for Sustainability: History, Geography, Biology, Civics and Citizenship, and more', Monash University Faculty of Education Building Leadership for Change Through School Immersion Saudi Program, Vic, 2019
  • 'Introduction to Inquiry-Based Learning, Part A' and 'Part B', 2019, Monash University Faculty of Education TESOL Professional Learning for the Zhejiang Province Department of Education, China, Vic, 2019
  • 'History Education is Sustainability Education', 2019, Monash University Sustainable Development Institute Sustainability Conference, Vic, 2019 – Zoomed to all Monash international campuses
  • ‘Schooling, Service and the Great War as a History of Education Teaching Resource’ International Standing Committee into History of Education Showcase, Institute of Education, University of London, UK, 2014

Exemplar History/Humanities education professional learning outputs (Australian audiences)

  • Innumerable, spanning decades, in History/Humanities education in every State/Territory, for primary, secondary and tertiary educator, as well as general public, audiences


Publications/Papers/Presentations/Workshops/'Contributions' (the 3 years pre-Covid and pre-retirement, verified and indicative of scope, reach and impact of research and education outputs including extensive voluntary community engagement)


  • Australia and New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES) Conference: '"France as Foe and Friend": School Paper Representations of France and its People, 1896-1918’ paper (Charles Sturt University, Port Macquarie, New South Wales)
  • Australian Historical Association Conference (AHA): '"Friends in Need": School Paper Responses to the Experiences of Belgium and France in the Great War, 1914–18' paper (University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queenslanld)
  • History Teachers' Association of Australia (HTAA) National Conference: 'What were the Experiences of South Australian Teachers, School Pupils and Wider School Communities in WWI?' (Adelaide, South Australia)
  • HTAA National Conference: 'Appealing and Effective: Using Inquiry Method to Introduce Topics to Students of Mixed Literacy Abilities' (Adelaide, SA)
  • HTAA National Conference: 'Researching and Teaching the First World War in an Australian Context', Drs Romain Fathi and Rosalie Triolo 'in conversation' (Adelaide, SA)
  • History Teachers' Association of New South Wales (HTANSW) Teaching History Symposium: 'The First Australians: The Indigenous Priority' (State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW)
  • History Teachers' Association of Victoria (HTAV) Annual Conference: '"Collecting and Curating": Exciting Inquiry Method Unit Introductions' (Melbourne, Victoria)
  • HTAV Primary and Middle Years' Conference: 'Teaching History For Our Environment' (Melbourne, Vic)
  • Monash University Education Academy Learning and Teaching Conference: ‘Past, Present, Future: History Education for Sustainable Development' (Monash University, Vic)
  • Monash University Faculty of Education Building Leadership for Change Through School Immersion Saudi Program: 'Inquiring that's exciting: Active Learning in Australian and Other Histories' (Monash University, Vic)
  • Monash University Faculty of Education Building Leadership for Change Through School Immersion Saudi Program: 'Interdisciplinary Teaching for Sustainability: History, Geography, Biology, Civics and Citizenship, and more' (Monash University, Vic)
  • Monash University Faculty of Education Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Program for Social Science Teachers from Ministry of Education and Culture, Indonesia: 'Historical Inquiry, Part A' and 'Part B' (Monash University, Vic)
  • Monash University Faculty of Education TESOL Professional Learning for the Zhejiang Department of Education, China: 'Introduction to Inquiry-Based learning, Part A' and 'Part B' (Monash University, Vic)
  • Monash University Sustainable Development Institute Sustainability Conference: 'History Education is Sustainability Education' (Monash University, Vic)
  • National Servicemen's Day Commemorative Ceremony: '"Shared Experiences": Victoria's WWI Teacher-Soldiers and Australia's Mid-C20th National Servicemen' (Shrine of Remembrance (Shrine), Melbourne, Vic)
  • Returned Services League (RSL) Women's Council of Victoria: '"Our Schools and the War": Victoria’s Education Department and the Great War, 1914-18' (RSL House, Melbourne, Vic)
  • Tasmanian History Teachers' Association (THTA) (in partnership with Tasmanian Association of Teachers of English (TATE) and Tasmanian Geography Teachers' Association (TGTA)) Conference: 'Introducing Histories through Inquiry Method Approaches' (Hobart, Tasmania)
  • THTA, TATE and TGTA Conference: 'Postcard Potential: Collecting and Curating WWI Postcards for Inquiry Method Learning' (Hobart, Tas)
  • THTA, TATE and TGTA Conference: 'The Sustainability Priority in History Education' (Hobart, Tas).


  • ANZHES Conference: ‘“Assessing the Assessments”: The Winning Responses in Victorian State School Competitions, 1905-1918’ paper (University of Sydney, NSW)
  • AHA Conference: 'Statehood, Strength and Sorrow in Australian and German School Songs, 1900-1920’ paper (Australian National University, Australian Capital Territory)
  • Bendigo Soldiers’ Military Institute and Memorial Museum: ‘Writing Text Panels’ workshop (Bendigo, Vic)
  • Bendigo Writers’ Festival: ‘Tom Griffiths and Rosalie Triolo in Conversation’ (Bendigo, Vic)
  • Geography and History Teachers’ Association of the Northern Territory (GHTANT) Conference: ‘Generating STEAM with the Sustainability Priority in History Education’ and ‘Exciting Inquiring for Effective Prompts to Learning’ workshops, and plenary (Darwin, Northern Territory)
  • Glen Eira Historical Society: ‘“Our Schools and the War”: Victoria’s Education Department and the Great War, 1914-18’, public lecture (Carnegie, Vic)
  • HTAA National Conference: 'Inquiring that’s Exciting for Teachers and Students Alike' workshop (Canberra, ACT)
  • HTANSW Norfolk Island Conference: ‘“Pacific Past-times”: Creating Engaging Inquiry Method Units’ workshop (Norfolk Island, NSW)
  • HTAV Annual Conference: 'Inquiring that’s Exciting’ workshop (Melbourne, Vic)
  • HTAV Primary and Middle Years Conference: ‘First Australians: The Indigenous Priority’ workshop (Melbourne, Vic)
  • Kanawinka Writers and Historians Writers’ Weekend: ‘Planning a Publication Project’ (Naracoorte, SA)
  • Kanawinka Writers and Historians Writers’ Weekend: ‘Broadening Perspectives, Diversifying Sources, Bringing Publications “to Life”’ (Naracoorte, SA)
  • Monash Combined Rotary Clubs: ‘”The War is Over”: Armistice and Aftermath for Victoria's Teacher-Soldiers of 1914-18’ public lecture (Oakleigh, Vic)
  • Monash University Education Academy Learning and Teaching Conference: ‘Hands on History’ practical education snapshot (Monash University, Vic)
  • National Capital Educational Tourism Project (NCETP) and Museums Australia (ACT) Presentation Skills Training: ‘Broadening our Perspectives’ workshop (Canberra, ACT)
  • Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) 'Writing and Publishing Local History' full-day solo series of workshops (Melbourne, Vic)
  • RSL (Victoria) Annual State Remembrance Day Service: '"The War is Over": Great War Armistice and Aftermath for Victoria's State School Teachers and School Communities' public address (Springvale, Vic)
  • Social and Citizenship Education Association of Australia Biennial Conference: ‘“Generating STEAM”: The Sustainability Priority in History Education’ (Ballarat, Vic)
  • THTA, TATE and TGTA Conference: ‘“Inquiring that's Exciting”: Inquiry Method Approaches in the History Classroom’ and ‘Powerful Curriculum Priorities and Perspectives’ workshops (Launceston, Tas)
  • Tertiary History Educators’ Association of Australia, Signature Pedagogies of History Teaching: History Education in Public and Formal Education Contexts Symposium: ‘“Professionally Powerful”: Australia’s HTAs’ paper (University of Newcastle, NSW)
  • University of Leeds Care after the First World War Conference: “Our Grief and Obligations”: Reality and Rhetoric in in an Australian Education Department in the Early Post-War World’ paper (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
  • Yass & District Historical Society Whole Histories Conference: ‘“Writing that’s Exciting”: Broadening our Perspectives and Sources in Australian History’ paper (Galong, NSW)
  • Yass & District Historical Society Writers’ Retreat: ‘“Exciting Writing”: Bringing Words to Life’ two days solo of writers’ workshops (Galong, NSW).


  • AHA Conference, ‘“Mobilities Mapped”: War and Geography Lessons in Australian Schools, 1914-18’ paper (University of Newcastle, NSW)
  • Balwyn Historical Society: “’Our Balwyn Schools and the War”: Victoria's Education Department and the Great War, 1914-18’ paper (Balwyn, Vic)
  • Suzanne Boatto, Sarah Cammarano, Shehani Rukanayake & Rosalie Triolo,’Teachers, Historical Societies and Primary School Children: “Doing History”’, FAHS Newsletter, no. 43, June 2017, pp 14-15, at https://www.history.org.au/Documents/Newsletters/FAHSNewsletter43-Jun2017.pdf
  • Darwin Defenders and Shrine of Remembrance 75th Anniversary of the Bombing and Defence of Darwin: ‘When the War Came to Australia’ public address, at http://darwindefenders.com/pdfs/DD_2017_Dr%20Rosalie%20Triolo.pdf
  • Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria and HTAV Primary Conference: ‘Best Practice History Teaching’ workshop (Melbourne, Vic)
  • HTAA National Conference: 'Writing and Publishing in Australian History' workshop and 'Queensland Schools, the Great War and the First Anzac School Paper' paper (Brisbane, Qld)
  • HTAV Annual Conference: 'Writing and Publishing Local History' and 'Historical Concepts, Skills, Knowledge, Capabilities' workshops (Melbourne, Vic)
  • HTAV Middle Years' Conference: ‘“Marvellous Melbourne” and the RHSV’ walking tour and RHSV exhibition preview, with commentary (Melbourne, Vic)
  • History Teachers' Association of Western Australia Annual Conference: ‘Turning Points in History’ panel; and, ‘Being Capable with the General Capabilities’ and, ‘Our Western Australian Schools and the Great War’ workshops (Perth, Western Australia)
  • Monash University Education Academy Learning Lunchbox: ‘Broader Definitions of Being Educators’ paper https://twitter.com/hashtag/learninglunchbox (Monash University, Caulfield, Vic)
  • Mount Alexander Shire Heritage Festival: 'Writing Local History: New Perspectives' sole presenter of series of writers’ workshops (Castlemaine, Vic)
  • NCETP Professional Learning Day: ‘Broadening our Perspectives’ workshop (Canberra, ACT)
  • Rosalie Triolo, ‘If You Were to Create a Christmas Decoration that Represented your Local Community and its History, What would you Create?'', FAHS Newsletter, no. 44, December 2017, pp 22-23, at https://www.history.org.au/Documents/Newsletters/FAHSNewsletter44-Dec2017.pdf
  • Rosalie Triolo, Helen Doyle & Katya Johanson, Writing and Publishing Local History: A Guide for First-Time Authors and Historical Societies, Royal Historical Society of Victoria (RHSV) and Federation of Australian Historical Societies (FAHS), Melbourne, 2017, also available online at: https://www.historyvictoria.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/writing-and-publishing-local-history-guide.pdf.

Supervision interests

Unable to take new PhD students, sorry.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
  • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Research area keywords

  • History Education
  • History of Australian Education
  • World War I Australian Home Front
  • Australian History
  • Twentieth Century World History