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CSIRO Next Generation Graduate Program: Enhancing General Practitioner Decision-Making in Antidepressant Prescriptions: A Data-Driven Approach
McNaney, R., Zukerman, I., Pierce, C. & Duong, T. H. H.
24/07/23 → 24/05/24
Project: Research
Epsilon: Inclusive Research Infrastructure: SEACO as a Platform for Participatory Observation
Lay Ki, S., Chun Yong, C., Watterson, J., Su, T. T., Varghese, D., McNaney, R., Kirkham, R. & Abdulgalimov, D.
1/12/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Consultancy
Chatbot Intervention for Eating Disorders
Sharp, G., McNaney, R. & Xie, J.
1/01/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
My Food Swaps: providing personalised dietary feedback for the Latrobe Valley
McCaffrey, T., Owen, A., Olivier, P., Abramson, M., McNaney, R. & Brennan, L.
1/12/21 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Sense-ED: Developing mobile sensing and Natural Language Processing models to support the identification of, and interventional mechanisms for, eating disorder relapse
McNaney, R., Delir Haghighi, P., Mei Kuan, L., Phan, R., Chun Yong, C., Wang, T., Sharp, G. & Bell, B. T.
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution
19/08/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Mobilising and empowering parents in the COVID-19 mental health response: A single-arm trial of an enhanced online parenting intervention to improve parent risk and protective factors for adolescent mental health
Yap, M., Jorm, A. F., Olivier, P., McNaney, R., Wu, L., Cardamone-Breen, M., Bartindale, T., Carbone, S., Whittle, S. L. & Schwartz, O. S.
Department of Health and Aged Care (Australia)
1/11/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research