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(Re)Designing Digital Justice: Re)Designing Digital Justice
Olivier, P., Wallwork, K., Kirkham, R., Jones, E., Bartindale, T., McNaney, R. & Grant, G.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University – Internal School Contribution
19/11/24 → 18/11/27
Project: Research
CSIRO Next Generation: 12-NGAI-R1 : Creating a 21st Century Helpline for Enhanced Support and Continuity of Care
McNaney, R., Connolly, K. & Kostouros Eleuterio, A.
15/10/24 → 14/04/28
Project: Research
CSIRO Next Generation: Development of an AI-augmented NDIS coaching planning, content generation and reporting system and its assessment against existing manual best practices
McNaney, R., Kuhlmann, L., Anderson, D. & Khurshid, H.
1/07/24 → 30/06/26
Project: Research
CSIRO Next Generation: The psychological aspects of helpline interactions and help-seeking behaviours to develop strategies to enhance user experience and emotional support.
McNaney, R., Connolly, K., Lubman, D. & Kay, L.
1/05/24 → 1/11/27
Project: Research
CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program: AI in Mental Health: Explore the opportunities for AI to support cultural sensitive training amongst mental health professionals.
McNaney, R., Kebede, T. & Namwinga, N.
CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Pola Practice Pty Ltd
14/03/24 → 13/09/27
Project: Research
MTL: Co-designing an evidence-informed, scalable school-based program to promote help-seeking for substance use problems
Lubman, D., Olivier, P., Grove, C., Waddell, A., Cheetham, A., Rowland, B., McNaney, R., Xie, J., Matar, J. & Rickwood, D. J.
Department of Health and Aged Care (Australia), Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF), Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation Ltd, Turning Point
1/03/24 → 29/02/28
Project: Research
ARC Training Centre for Optimal Ageing
Lim, Y. Y., Kulic, D., Grundy, J., Batstone, J., Olivier, P., Wilson Rajaratnam, S., Cornish, K., Anderson, C., Klein, B., Browning, C., Pase, M., Abdi, E., Robinson, N., McNaney, R., Srikanth, V., Hill, K., Flynn, D., Callisaya, M., Brusco, N., Carreno-Medrano, P., Cronin, J., Fripp, J., Kothari, N., Toms, M., Browne, E., Neilson, P., Orelowitz, J., Udagedara, I. B., De Chaumont Rambert, C., Haddock, R., Pitt, A., Pearman, A., Lethlean, G., Skye, S., Cai, J., Ayton, D., Jackson, M., Charalambous, G., Little, K., Cook, A., Foley, M., Foley, B. & Varma, P.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Readiness Pty Ltd, Future Wellness Group Holdings Pty Ltd, Aunty Grace Pty Ltd, Andromeda Robotics Holdings Pty Ltd
25/05/23 → 25/05/28
Project: Research
CSIRO Next Generation Graduates Program: AI in Mental Health
McNaney, R., Olivier, P., Yap, M., Cai, J., Wu, L., Watterson, J., Haffari, R., Qu, L., Wilson Rajaratnam, S., Wang, T., Sharp, G., Alvarez-Jimenez, M., D'Alfonso, S. & Kostakos, V.
Pola Practice Pty Ltd, Crank Group Pty Ltd
5/04/23 → 31/12/27
Project: Research
Zest – A personalised, digital intervention for sleep and wellbeing in Australian shift workers
Varma, P., Murray, J., Stone, J., Booker, L., Sletten, T., Bei, B., Postnova, S. D., King, K., McNaney, R., Wilson Rajaratnam, S., Walker-Bone, K., Phillips, A. & Howard, M. E.
1/02/23 → 31/01/26
Project: Research
Context aware interventions for eating disorder prevention and improved body image
McNaney, R., Delir Haghighi, P., Sharp, G. & Xie, J.
1/01/22 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
PROTIC2: Participatory Research and Ownership with Technology, Information and Change
Oliver, G., Stillman, L., Grundy, J., Olivier, P., Wright, S., McNaney, R., Anwar, M. & Varghese, D.
1/07/19 → 31/07/25
Project: Research
CSIRO Next Generation Graduate Program: Enhancing General Practitioner Decision-Making in Antidepressant Prescriptions: A Data-Driven Approach
McNaney, R., Zukerman, I., Pierce, C. & Duong, T. H. H.
24/07/23 → 24/05/24
Project: Research
Epsilon: Inclusive Research Infrastructure: SEACO as a Platform for Participatory Observation
Lay Ki, S., Chun Yong, C., Watterson, J., Su, T. T., Varghese, D., McNaney, R., Kirkham, R. & Abdulgalimov, D.
1/12/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Consultancy
Chatbot Intervention for Eating Disorders
Sharp, G., McNaney, R. & Xie, J.
1/01/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
My Food Swaps: providing personalised dietary feedback for the Latrobe Valley
McCaffrey, T., Owen, A., Olivier, P., Abramson, M., McNaney, R. & Brennan, L.
1/12/21 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Sense-ED: Developing mobile sensing and Natural Language Processing models to support the identification of, and interventional mechanisms for, eating disorder relapse
McNaney, R., Delir Haghighi, P., Mei Kuan, L., Phan, R., Chun Yong, C., Wang, T., Sharp, G. & Bell, B. T.
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution
19/08/21 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Mobilising and empowering parents in the COVID-19 mental health response: A single-arm trial of an enhanced online parenting intervention to improve parent risk and protective factors for adolescent mental health
Yap, M., Jorm, A. F., Olivier, P., McNaney, R., Wu, L., Cardamone-Breen, M., Bartindale, T., Carbone, S., Whittle, S. L. & Schwartz, O. S.
Department of Health and Aged Care (Australia)
1/11/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research