Projects per year
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Formal Explainability: Formal Explainability for Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
Australian Research Council (ARC)
12/02/25 → 11/02/28
Project: Research
Development of OPTIMA MicroCert.: Development of OPTIMA MicroCert.
Smith-Miles, K. & Stuckey, P.
25/11/24 → 25/11/27
Project: Research
HARNESS: Hierarchical Abstractions and Reasoning for Neuro-Symbolic Systems
Rezatofighi, H., Garcia De La Banda Garcia, M., Li, Y., Stuckey, P., Gasevic, D., Gutierrez, J., Qu, L., Ignatiev , A., Swiecki, Z., Vered, M., Chen, G., Haffari, R. & Say, B.
20/06/23 → 20/02/27
Project: Research
Detecting Threats in Temporal Networks
Stuckey, P., Betts, J., Wilson, C. & Dalins, J.
30/05/23 → 30/08/26
Project: Research
Predict‐and‐Optimise through Time at Water Recycling Treatment Plants
Stuckey, P., Bailey, J., Leckie, C., Crook, J. & Bergmann, D.
8/12/21 → 8/12/26
Project: Research
Spatiotemporal Object Detection/Segmentation from Multi-Spectral Time Sequence Data
Stuckey, P., Rezatofighi, H. & Meehan, A.
18/10/21 → 18/10/26
Project: Research
ARC Training Centre in Optimisation Technologies, Integrated Methodologies, and Applications (OPTIMA)
Smith-Miles, K., Stuckey, P., Taylor, P. G., Ernst, A., Aickelin, U., Garcia De La Banda Garcia, M., Pearce, A., Wallace, M., Bondell, H., Hyndman, R., Alpcan, T., Thomas, D. A., Anjomshoa, H., Kirley, M. G., Tack, G., Costa, A., Fackrell, M., Zhang, L., Glazebrook, K., Branke, J., O'Sullivan, B., O'Shea, N., Cheah, A., Meehan, A., Wetenhall, P., Bowly, D., Bridge, J., Faka, S., Mareels, I., Coleman, R. A., Crook, J., Liebman, A. & Aleti, A.
Equans Services Australia Pty Limited
23/09/21 → 23/09/26
Project: Research
Optimising multi-item retail inventories
Betts, J., Stuckey, P. & Wetenhall, P.
14/09/21 → 14/09/26
Project: Research
RACE for 2030: Reliable Affordable Clean Energy for 2030 Cooperative Research Centre (RACE for 2030 CRC)
Beins, D., Bahrani, B., Leroux, A., Kraal, D., Razzaghi, R., Strengers, Y., Goodwin, S., Pink, S., Rudolph, C., Raven, R., Bergmeir, C., Saunderson, J., Leslie, G., Gangadharan, L., Islam, A., Wang, L. C., Ward, M., Xiao, E., Wallace, M., Tack, G., Stuckey, P., Li, Y., Pan, S., de Nijs, F., Buckingham, E., Denis-Ryan, A., Ens, B., Dargaville, R., Chang, X., Yu, J., White, S., Zlatanov, N., Hyndman, R., Panagiotelis, A. & Athanasopoulos, G.
1/07/20 → 30/06/31
Project: Research