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- 4 Finished
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National governance, accounting regulations and systemic stability: International evidence
Nguyen, M., Skully, M. & Williams, B.
4/07/17 → 3/07/18
Project: Research
Syndicated Lending and Tranching: Implications for APS113
Skully, M., Brown, C., Brown, K., Deokar, A. & Ralston, D.
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) (Australia)
13/12/10 → 30/11/11
Project: Research
Religion, Finance and Ethics: Islamic and conventional perspectives on shared principles, practices, and financial institutions and instruments
Mews, C., Ariff, M., Saeed, A., Skully, M., Bakar, D. & Ghouse, A.
Australian Research Council (ARC), MacPherson + Kelley lawyers, Australian Financial Investment Group Ltd, Muslim Community Co-Operative (Australia) Ltd, Amanie Business Solutions Sdn Bhd
4/05/07 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Melbourne Centre for Financial Studies
Godfrey, J., Ariff, M., Brown, R., Davidson, S. R., Davis, K., Dawkins, P., Faff, R., Fry, T. R. L., Goss, B., Heaney, R., Kofman, P., Lim, G., McKenzie, M., Naughton, T. & Skully, M.
Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) (Victoria), Monash University
1/07/05 → 1/07/10
Project: Research