1996 …2023

Research activity per year

Personal profile

Community service

Ginis, K., Stewart, S., & Kronborg, L., (2021). Artistic creativity, mental and physical illness in eminent female visual artists: A qualitative exploration. Marconi Institute for Creativity (MIC) & the International Society for the Study of Creativity and Innovation (ISSCI), MIC Conference 2021. Sept 8-10.

 Subotnik, R., (USA), Worrell, F., (USA) Prado, RM., (Brazil), Kunisaki, L., (USA), Kronborg, L., (Australia), & Olszewski-Kubilius, P., (USA) (2021) The path to eminence: New perspectives on talent development and creativity. (Symposium) European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Virtual Conference. Sept 2.

 Kronborg, L (Australia), Wade, S., Vuyk, MA.,(Paraguay), Codas, G., (2021). What characteristics can we expect from motivated and creative teachers for highly able students? A case study of personality traits. European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Virtual Conference. Aug 31-Sept 2.

 Kronborg, L. & Corneja-Araya, C. (2021) What teachers believe, know, and don’t know about teaching students with gifted and creative potential for talent development. European Council for High Ability (ECHA) virtual conference. Aug 31.

 Corneja-Araya, C. & Kronborg, L. (2021). Teaching gifted students above and beyond the recommended curriculum. European Council for High Ability (ECHA) Virtual Conference. Aug 31.

Kronborg, L., Kerr, B.A., Maker, C. J., & Robinson, A. (2021) University Teaching Approaches that Provide for Gifted Education, Talent Development and/or Creativity Panel Discussion. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children’s 2021 Virtual World Conference, Developing the Future of Gifted Education. July31-Aug 1 & Aug 7-8.

 Krafchek, J. & Kronborg, L (2021) Social problems and social coping of academically high-achieving females before the onset of disordered eating. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children’s 2021 Virtual World Conference, Developing the Future of Gifted Education. July31-Aug 1 & Aug 7-8.

 Cornejo-Araya, C. & Kronborg, L. (2021) How to inspire gifted and highly able students-The impact of the teacher, strategies, and environment created. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children’s 2021 Virtual World Conference, Developing the Future of Gifted Education. July31-Aug 1 & Aug 7-8.

 Ginis, K., Stewart, S., & Kronborg, L., (2021) Relationships between artistic creativity, physical and mental health. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children’s 2021 Virtual World Conference, Developing the Future of Gifted Education. July31-Aug 1 & Aug 7-8.

 Kronborg, L., Kelly, L., Knopfelmacher, S., & Mitchell, K. (2021) Educating gifted and talented students from a successful experiential perspective Virtual Panel Discussion. Association for the Education of Gifted and Talented, Victoria (AGATEVic). July 22.

 Krafchek J. & Kronborg, L. (2020) A Shift of Self-Worth Focus as a Coping Strategy for Stress before the Onset of Disordered Eating in Academically High-Achieving Females. Virtual International Conference for Eating Disorders (ICED) 2020 (ANZEAD and AED). Sydney. June 11-30.

 Kronborg, L. (2019). Teachers of gifted students who are motivated to make a difference: What can be learned from experienced teachers’ teaching and learning experiences? Keynote address. Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children, March 14-16, 2019, Brisbane Convention Centre.

Kronborg, L. (2019) Providing a supportive environment for gifted and highly able students: Issues to consider. Invited seminar presentation. Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children. March 15, 2019 Queensland Convention Centre, Brisbane.

Kronborg, L., Robinson, A., & Pereira, N., (2019) Gifted and Talented International, Editors’ Roundtable. American Education Research Association, (AERA) Conference, April, 5-9. Toronto, Canada.

Krafchek, J. & Kronborg, L. (2019) How Academically High-Achieving Females Who Developed Disordered Eating Coped with Social Problems and Bullying, American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference, April, 5-9. Toronto, Canada.

Krafchek, J., & Kronborg, L. (2019) An analysis of stressful events experienced by academically high-achieving females before the onset of disordered eating.  International Conference of Eating Disorders, (ICED), March 14-16, New York, USA.

 Kronborg, L. (2019) Motivated to teach gifted students for talent development: Teacher motivations, perceptions, and pedagogies in focus. World Council for Gifted Talented Children’s Conference (WCGTC), (Invited Pre-conference seminar), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, July 24-28, 2019

International Panel Discussion:  Policies and Practices that Promote Equity in Gifted Education – Soha Elzalabany, Egypt; Wendy A Behrens, United States, Julia Roberts, United States; Leonie Kronborg, Australia; Jonathan Plucker, Johns Hopkins Uni, USAThursday, July 25. World Council for Gifted Talented Children’s Conference (WCGTC), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.

International Symposium: Achieving Eminence: What’s Known? What Needs to Be Known? Does it Matter for Our Field? Rena Subotnik, APA, USA; Susan Paik, USA; Renata Muniz Prado, Brazil; Leonie Kronborg, Australia; Frank Worrell, Berkeley Uni, USA; Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, Northwestern Uni, USA. Friday, July 26. World Council for Gifted Talented Children’s Conference (WCGTC), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.

Kronborg, L. & Plunkett, M. – Preparing Teachers to Respond Effectively to Gifted  Students in Classrooms: Longitudinal Case Study Results.  Paper presented at WGTC on pre-service teachers research data.Friday, July 26, 2019.World Council for Gifted Talented Children’s Conference (WCGTC), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.

Saleh, C., & Kronborg, L. – Giftedness and Gifted Education: Teachers’ Conception and Practice in the Indonesian Context. Saturday July 27. (Research) World Council for Gifted Talented Children’s Conference (WCGTC), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.

Cornejo, C. & Kronborg, L. – A Portrayal of Inspirational Teachers for Gifted and Highly Able Students: A Grounded Theory Study. Saturday, July 27 (Research)World Council for Gifted Talented Children’s Conference (WCGTC), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA.

Kronborg, L. Eminent women were once gifted girls: How do they transform gifted potential to eminent talents? October 1, 2019, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago, Chile, South America. (Keynote) FONDECYTFondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico Project: Gifted women in STEM: A longitudinal study about career choice in secondary education. FONDECYT. Maria Paz Gomez Arizaga. Universidad de Los Andes.

Kronborg, L. Unpacking Inclusive Education - Enabling Giftedness and Disabilities. Invited keynote to The Age Schools Summit for all Victorian school leaders. Oct 9, 2019. 

Perth Modern HS Gifted Education Conference – Invited keynote (WA Conference in Gifted Education) - Kronborg, L., Conceptions of Giftedness and Talent Development. Nov 18, 2019. Providing a Supportive Environment for Gifted and Highly Able Students: What Matters Most. Nov 19, 2019.

Kronborg, L. (2015, August) "Teaching the Teachers to teach the gifted: what have I learned and what do teachers need to know? World Council for Gifted and Talented Children's Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Kronborg, L. (2015, August) Providing optimal learning environments to motivate teachers and gifted students. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children's Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Kronborg, L., Plunkett, M. and Boddison, A., (2015, August) Investigating opportunities for Australian gifted and talented adolescents through the international education and social network IGGY. WCGTC Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Preckel, F., Matheis, S. and Kronborg, L. (2015, August) Pre-service teachers attitudes and beliefs about the gifted: a cross-cultural comparison study. WCGTC Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Wade, S. and Kronborg, L. (2015, August) Twice-exceptionality and the impact of autism on talent development. WCGTC Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Krafchek, J. and Kronborg, L., (2015, August) How do girls know they are smart: sources of global self-efficacy in high achieving females. WCGTC Conference, Odense, Denmark.

Kronborg, L., (2015, April) How do teachers motivate students to transform gifted abilities into talents: an evidence-based approach. International Gifted Conference (AAEGT, QAGTC, IRATDE), Brisbane, Australia.

Plunkett, M. and Kronborg, L. (2015, April) Teaching gifted students: How well prepared do our future teachers feel for the challenge? International Gifted Conference (AAEGT, QAGTC, IRATDE), Brisbane, Australia.



- Kronborg, L. (2016) Developing Gifted Potential Teaching Unit for SEAL and Selective HS teachers. Research project - How do teachers motivate and support diverse gifted students' talent development and creativity: an examination of teachers' knowledge and understandings. (Box Hill HS)

- Kronborg, L. (2014) Developing Gifted Potential Teaching Unit for SEAL and Selective HS teachers and Research Project - Examining teachers' beliefs, motivations and pedagogy for developing gifted students' talents. (Box Hill HS)

- Kronborg, L. and Boddison, A.(Uni of Warwick) (2014) Learning through Social Networks for Gifted Students (IGGY) - A Monash.Warwick Seed Fund for a Project.

- Kronborg, L (Nov 2011- March 2012) Teacher Education - Advanced Studies in Gifted Education. ENKA Schools, Istanbul, Turkey.

Research interests

Research interests focus on gifted and talented individuals. Special interests within this field include: evaluation of curriculum for gifted and talented students, talent development of females, in particular, eminent Australian women, young gifted and talented children and their education, identification of gifted and talented children, professional development for teachers of the gifted and talented, curriculum for the gifted and talented, creativity, talent development, gifted females and gifted children experiencing learning disabilities.

Monash teaching commitment

  • EDF5645 Educating the Gifted
  • EDF5646 Talent Development and Diversity
  • EDF4512 Gifted Education
  • EDF5622 Developing Learners and Learning
  • EDF2007 Adolescent Development and Learning
  • EDF5041 Engaging Adolescent Learners

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education
  • SDG 5 - Gender Equality

Research area keywords

  • Gifted Education
  • Talent Development

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