Projects per year
Personal profile
Better understanding teaching and teacher education
As a Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor, John is well regarded internationally. He is interested in such things as "How teachers learn how to teach and how they then put that into practice and develop their knowledge, skills and ability over time." A lot of his research is on this important aspect of knowledge of teaching.
John is very interested in developing and articulating teachers' professional knowledge - especially in science - and in so doing, draw more attention to why we need to better value the work of teachers.
Having been a high school science teacher for ten years, John is interested in helping to raise professional self-awareness amongst teachers and to raise the status of teaching more generally. By working to develop teachers' professional knowledge of teaching he sees ways of making clear what it means to be an expert teacher and how crucial that is to enhancing student learning in meaningful ways.
Through his many ARC grants John has been keen to develop a more strategic approach to policy and practice in science education in particular. That work is also central to his involvement in Teacher Education.
As Dean of the Faculty of Education, he sees the culture and approach to academia as central to influencing the next generation of scholars and how that might pay dividends in the development of students of teaching that graduate from Monash's teacher preparation programs.
'The Faculty of Education at Monash has always had a very strong reputation in science education, and so it always attracted the best science educators from around the world. This meant that as a young academic, you were always fortunate to have access to the best people in the world. And you were encouraged - and expected - to be able to collaborate with them. This has been a well-established way of operating in the faculty for a long time. We've been very fortunate in the way that we've been mentored and brought on through the system, and we expect to do so the same for the people who follow us.'
Research area keywords
- Pedagogy of Teacher Education
- Professional Knowledge of Practice Reflection
- Self-Study
- Teacher Education
- Reflective Practice
- Science Teaching and Learning
- Teacher Research
- 19 Finished
Transformation of the School Approach to Teaching and Learning project: Phase 1 to 5
Loughran, J., Smith, K. & Mansfield, J.
1/02/17 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
In school Professional learning Project: An assessment of the processional learning needs of Trinity Grammar School
Loughran, J., Cooper, R., Fitzgerald, A., Phillips, M. & Smith, K.
16/05/16 → 28/11/16
Project: Research
Using pedagogical reasoning to explicate expert practice that aligns with national teaching standards
Keast, S., Loughran, J., Mitchell, I. & Panizzon, D.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
2/01/14 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Learning Design Evaluation and Support
Loughran, J., Brubaker, N., Forgasz, R. & Radojevic-Terzic, V.
1/12/12 → 1/04/13
Project: Research
Understanding self as a leader: emotional leadership and what it means for practice
Loughran, J., 2021, In: Journal of Educational Administration and History. 53, 2, p. 132-143 12 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
5 Citations (Scopus) -
Exploring values of science through classroom practice
Cooper, R. & Loughran, J., 2020, Values in Science Education: The Shifting Sands. Corrigan, D., Buntting, C., Fitzgerald, A. & Jones, A. (eds.). 1st ed. Cham Switzerland: Springer, p. 49-65 17 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter (Book) › Other › peer-review
Loughran, J., 2020, International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices. Kitchen, J., Berry, A., Bullock, S. M., Crowe, A. R., Taylor, M., Guðjónsdóttir, H. & Thomas, L. (eds.). 2nd ed. Singapore Singapore: Springer, p. v-x 6 p. (Springer International Handbooks of Education; vol. Part F1632).Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Foreword / Postscript › Other › peer-review
Understanding teachers’ professional learning needs: what does it mean to teachers and how can it be supported?
Cooper, R., Fitzgerald, A., Loughran, J., Phillips, M. & Smith, K., 2020, In: Teachers and teaching: theory and practice. 26, 7-8, p. 558-576 20 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review
20 Citations (Scopus) -
Loughran, J. J. & Cooper, R., 2019, Repositioning Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Teachers' Knowledge for Teaching Science. Hume, A., Cooper, R. & Borowski, A. (eds.). 1st ed. Singapore Singapore: Springer, p. v-vii 3 p.Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Foreword / Postscript › Other › peer-review
1 Citation (Scopus)
UnPaCKing Teachers knowledge: research traditions and trajectories from PCK and TPACK
John Loughran (Contributor), Jan van Driel (Contributor), Judith Harris (Contributor), Amanda Berry (Contributor), Michael Phillips (Contributor) & Rebecca Cooper (Contributor)
16 Nov 2017Activity: Community Talks, Presentations, Exhibitions and Events › Public lecture/debate/seminar
Teachers and teaching: theory and practice (Journal)
John Loughran (Guest editor) & Tom Russell (Guest editor)
2009Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editorial responsibility
Teachers and teaching: theory and practice (Journal)
John Loughran (Guest editor) & Geert Kelchtermans (Guest editor)
2006Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editorial responsibility
Studying Teacher Education (Journal)
John Loughran (Guest editor) & Tom Russell (Guest editor)
2005Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editorial responsibility
Teaching and Teacher Education (Journal)
Fred Korthagen (Guest editor), John Loughran (Guest editor) & Mieke Lunenberg (Guest editor)
2005Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work types › Editorial responsibility