Research activity per year

Personal profile


John Arnold has been associated with the National Centre for Australian Studies since its foundation in 1989. A former Director of NCAS, he was also Head of the School of Political and Social Inquiry from September 2001 to February 2004.

John has taught in the both the Graduate Publishing and the Graduate Communications Programs offered by NCAS. He is currently teaching Com 4001/5001: Researching and Writing Australia and Com 4008: Media Ethics and Practice plus supervising students undertaking the Com 5004: Industry Research Project. He is also an experienced supervisor of Masters and Doctoral theses.

In his teaching John tries to engage and enthuse students in their chosen subjects, making them think independently and outside the square rather than just follow a rigid reading list or unit outline. In the first semester of 2008 he shared the position of Monash Visiting Lecturer in Australian Studies at the University of Copenhagen with NCAS colleague, Dr Jeff Jarvis.