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Review of evidence-based approaches for supporting year 7-9 students who are significantly behind in literacy and numeracy
De Bruin, K., Forgasz, H., Kestel, E. & Francis, M.
29/04/22 → 14/10/22
Project: Research
Development of Numeracy Across the Curriculum Resources - Phase 3
Kidman, G., Hall, J., Forgasz, H., Faigen, B., Wolfe, M., Ludecke, M., Crawford, R., Hall, C., Grimmett, H., Blannin, J., Tudball, E. & Jenkins, L.
31/05/21 → 30/11/21
Project: Research
Numeracy across the curriculum Phase 2 research project
Hall, J., Kidman, G., Forgasz, H., Barnes, M., Bonar, G., Triolo, R. & Blannin, J.
7/09/20 → 11/12/20
Project: Research
Numeracy across the curriculum research project
Kidman, G., Hall, J., Forgasz, H., Burke, G., Belford, N. & Leahy, D.
20/04/20 → 26/06/20
Project: Research
Enhancing numeracy learning and teaching across the curriculum
Forgasz, H., Dole, S. & Geiger, V.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
1/01/12 → 31/12/14
Project: Research
Gender and ethnic differences in Israeli and Australian mathematics teachers views of Mathematics: Educational implications
Forgasz, H. & Mittelberg, D.
1/09/10 → 31/08/11
Project: Research
Digital Divas: Designing approaches to enthuse girls' interest in ICT studies and ICT careers
Fisher, J. L., Craig, A., Forgasz, H., Lang, C., McLeod, A., Ellul, R. & Harlos, B.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Victorian Women in ICT Network, Department of Education (Victoria), Australian Computer Society Incorporated, Netspace Online Systems Pty Ltd, Brentwood Secondary College
1/01/09 → 13/05/12
Project: Research
Digital Divas: Putting the 'Wow' back into IT for girls
Fisher, J. L. & Forgasz, H.
2/05/08 → 2/05/10
Project: Research
National Accelerated Literacy Programme
Doecke, B., Auld, G., Forgasz, H., Illesca, B., Kostogriz, A., McGilp, R., Miller, J., Rennie, J., Smith, B. & Tonyan, H.
25/06/07 → 29/11/07
Project: Research
Year 12 Mathematics Enrolment Data Project
Forgasz, H. & Prince, N.
1/05/05 → 30/06/06
Project: Research