Projects per year
Search results
An equity-focus prospective evaluation of patient registration in Australia
Vagholkar , S., Harrison, R., Mahadeva, J., Braithwaite, J., Westbrook, J., Mitchell, R. J., Manias, E., Cutler, H., Chauhan, A., Newman, B., Churruca, K., Walsan, R., Raban, M. & Lau, P. M. Y.
1/11/24 → 30/10/29
Project: Research
Engaging residents and families in aged care facilities
Manias, E., Bucknall, T., Hutchinson, A., Bell, S., Breen, J., Srikanth, V. & Ozavci, G.
5/08/24 → 4/08/27
Project: Research
Using co-design to improve discharge medication communication with CALD patients
Ozavci, G., Mekonnen, A., Bucknall, T., Manias, E., Moran, C., McDonald, C., Tuck, M. & Catania, M.
1/05/24 → 1/05/25
Project: Research
Pioneering co-created patient-reported experience measures for people with intellectual disability to improve health outcomes
Harrison, R., Trollor, J. N., Woolfenden, S. R., Strnadova, I., Westbrook, J., Manias, E., Mitchell, R. J., Dew, A., Bartindale, T., Mimmo, L., Mumford, V., Badgery-Parker, T., Patterson, P., Ellis, L., Newman, B., Rodier, S., Szanto, T., Small , J., Phillips, K., Van Hoek, D., Adams, C., Templeton, M., Evans, J., Hackl, N., Boyle, P., Churruca, K., Hadley, A., Dawood Baumgartner, D., Bowen, K. & Olivier, P.
1/03/24 → 28/02/27
Project: Research
More than a clinical activity: supporting aged care residents’ choice, dignity, and engagement with medication administration
Garratt, S., Manias, E., Bugeja, L., Waddell, A., Francis, K. & Chaousis, J.
15/01/24 → 30/04/25
Project: Research
ENgaginG older people Across transitions of care to improve medication manaGEment (The ENGAGE Project)
1/01/24 → 31/12/28
Project: Research
No more shame: Changing health providers recognition and response to elder abuse to reduce associated stigma
Brijnath, B. R., Dow, B., Ostaszkiewicz, J. B., Appleton, B., Gilbert, A. S., Stevens, C., Enticott, J., Mortimer, D., Reyes, P., Feldman, P., Eckert, M., Peters, M. D. J., Antoniades, J. & Manias, E.
1/12/22 → …
Project: Research
Communicating to promote engagement in using electronic medical records
Bucknall, T., Manias, E., Gray, K. M., Wickramasinghe, N. & Harrison, R.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
3/10/22 → 2/10/25
Project: Research
Smarter hospitals: Unlocking the promise of virtual care through infrastructure innovation in Australian healthcare facilities
Harrison, R., Clay-Williams, R., Braithwaite, J., Westbrook, J., Taylor, N. J., Manias, E., Mitchell, R. J., Lawton, R. J., Moscova, M., Cardenas, A., Churruca, K., Bhonagiri, D., Chua, W., Sabesan, S., Christian, B., Nelson, C. L., Badgery-Parker, T. & Mumford, V.
1/09/22 → 31/08/27
Project: Research
The PREPPD Study: A mixed-methods study on Potassium REPlacement Protocol Deviations in ICU
O'Neill, K., Manias, E., Laurie, G., Mealing, S., Meyer, J., Sosnowski, K., Badman, B. & Bloomer, M. J.
5/07/23 → 5/06/24
Project: Research
Enhancing safety and care quality for culturally and linguistically diverse cancer consumers: A consumer engagement approach
Harrison, R., Walton, M. M., Manias, E., Wilson, C. J., Seale, H., Girgis, A., Smith, A. & Chin, M. T. M.
1/02/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Investigating substance use in adolescents with chronic kidney disease
Crawford, K., Low, J. K., Wilson, C. A., Le Page, A. & Manias, E.
30/11/17 → 30/12/18
Project: Research
The development of guidelines for adolescents and young adults with chronic kidney disease transitioning to adult care
Crawford, K., Manias, E., Low, J. K. & Williams, A.
1/06/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
The development of guidelines for adolescents and young adults with chronic kidney disease transitioning to adult care (Transition to adult)
Crawford, K., Manias, E., Low, J. K. & Cross, W.
Department of Health (DH) (Victoria)
1/05/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Improving medicine adherence in kidney transplantation
Williams, A., Manias, E., Walker, R., Toussaint, N. D., Dooley, M. & Griffiths, D.
Royal Melbourne Hospital, Monash Health, Alfred Health, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (Australia), Victorian Kidney Transplant Collaborative
1/04/13 → 31/03/17
Project: Research
Towards improved communication for medication safety: addressing the complexities of managing medications in hospitalised children
Williams, A., Cranswick, N., Drew, S., Liew, D., Manias, E. & Newall, F. H.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
1/01/13 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Examining the complexity of communication processes across transition points from the emergency department to improve medication safety
Dooley, M., Gerdtz, F., Manias, E. & Williams, A.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
13/08/09 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Examining organisational complexity and clinical risk to improve hospital patients' safety
Buist, M., Caplan, G. A., Carthey, J., Iedema, R., Kornberger, M., Lee, B. S. B., Manias, E., Sorensen, R., Becker, F. & Jorm, C.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
2/01/08 → 31/12/10
Project: Research