Projects per year
- 18 Finished
Search results
Baseline Research Program: Behavioural Adaptation to Advanced Driver Assistance systems (ADAS)
Stephens, A., Mulvihill, C., Young, K., Stephan, K., Rampollard, C. & Crotty, R.
Transport Victoria, Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Corrections Victoria
1/07/22 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Off-Road Motorcycle Rider Safety Public Awareness Campaign
Oxley, J., Allen, T. & Mulvihill, C.
Department of Health (DH) (Victoria)
27/04/20 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
TMR06618: TMR06618 - Development of Evidence-Based Guidelines for Controlled Environment Driver Training
Oxley, J., Stephens, A. & Mulvihill, C.
26/06/19 → 25/12/19
Project: Research
Understanding current trends in motorcycle crashes relevant to Ride Smart education
Newstead, S., Allen, T. & Mulvihill, C.
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
8/04/19 → 28/06/19
Project: Research
MetroGO Project: Independent Review
Horberry, T. & Mulvihill, C.
Metro Trains Melbourne Pty Ltd
23/08/18 → 31/10/18
Project: Research
Pedestrian Distraction and Road Trauma: Developing strategies and countermeasures to minimise the impact of pedestrian distraction on road safety
Horberry, T., Mulvihill, C., Osborne, R., Young, K. & Oxley, J.
Transport For Victoria, Roads Corporation (trading as VicRoads) (Victoria) , Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Department of Justice and Community Safety (Victoria)
1/09/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Expert Analysis to Identify Key Road Safety Performance Indicators in Victoria.
Logan, D., Newstead, S., D'Elia, A. & Mulvihill, C.
3/01/17 → 30/06/17
Project: Research
Queensland Zero BAC for Motorcyclists
Rudin-Brown, C., Keall, M. D., Lenne, M., Mulvihill, C. & Newstead, S.
1/06/10 → 6/12/10
Project: Research
Identifying training needs and develop and pilot a training program for returning motorcycle riders
Mulvihill, C., Corben, B., Lenne, M., McClure, R., Symmons, M. & Triggs, T.
13/05/09 → 31/03/11
Project: Research
Develop, pilot and conduct a large-scale trial of an on-road assisted ride program for newly licensed motorcycle riders.
Mulvihill, C., Collins, M., Corben, B., Hillard, P., Lenne, M., McClure, R., Smith, R., Symmons, M., Triggs, T. & Wallace, P.
27/02/09 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
The Effect of Bus and Tram Flashing Lights on Driver Behaviour - A Review of National and International Literature and Practice
1/08/08 → 15/11/08
Project: Research
Intersection Safety - Meeting Victoria's Road Safety Challenge
Corben, B., Archer, J., Candappa, N. L., Johnston, I., Lenne, M., Mulvihill, C. & Young, W.
18/04/08 → 17/04/11
Project: Research
Evaluation of perceptual countermeasures for motorcyclist safety
Corben, B., Candappa, N. L., Fildes, B., Fotheringham, N., Lenne, M., Mulvihill, C. & Newstead, S.
17/11/06 → 30/06/08
Project: Research
Development of Tasmanian Road Safety Strategy
Corben, B., Fotheringham, N., Johnston, I. & Mulvihill, C.
13/06/06 → 30/09/06
Project: Research
Review of Best Practice Road Safety Strategies
Corben, B. & Mulvihill, C.
3/02/06 → 4/03/06
Project: Research
Human factors study of metropolitan train fleet
Haworth, N., Mulvihill, C., Regan, M. & Salmon, P.
1/06/05 → 30/10/05
Project: Research
Commercial radios and CD players on trains
Haworth, N. & Mulvihill, C.
1/01/04 → 31/12/04
Project: Research