Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 770 results
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ZIAI176171 - ANSTO Travel Grant (beamtime 16436-2)
Simonov, A., Hodgetts, B., Ezra, L. & Abbas, S. A.
12/12/24 → 18/12/24
Project: Research
Nano-emulsions of natural oils incorporating nutraceuticals
Raston, C., Patti, A. & Little, K.
1/07/24 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Sample analysis of volatile compounds with Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)
18/03/24 → 24/06/24
Project: Research
ANSTO Travel Support
Simonov, A., Du, H., Abbas, S. A. & Banerjee, K.
27/02/24 → 10/03/24
Project: Research
Designer drug delivery systems: understanding drug location is key to unlocking potential.
Fong, K. & Caukwell, J.
6/11/23 → 11/11/23
Project: Research
NHMRC Equipment Grant - SiO2 sensors and rectangular cuvette with PTFE stopper
Martin, L. & Bell, S.
1/11/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
ANSTO travel funding: Efficacy of a novel surfactant in polymer/surfactant complexes for future green personal care products
Prescott, S. W., Dang, A. P., Williams, A., Faber, J., Henderson, R. K., Tabor, R. & Tuck, K.
16/10/23 → 20/10/23
Project: Research
ANSTO - ISAP2023 - BESSYII travel grant
Simonov, A., Du, H. & Hodgetts, B.
4/10/23 → 18/09/24
Project: Research
Management of powder waste recovered from used fire extinguishers: assessment of human health and environmental impacts.
Patti, A., Salvati Manni, L., Warwick, B., Little, K. & Belgi, A.
Monash University – Internal School Contribution, Environment Protection Authority (trading as EPA Victoria)
27/09/23 → 27/03/24
Project: Research
Control of the Photoactivity of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles
Patti, A., Funston, A., Little, K. & King, B.
1/08/23 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
P157641 Investigation of synergism or antagonism in mixed cationic anionic surfactant vesicles
Robson, R., Zaib, M. & Hill, T.
13/07/23 → 17/07/23
Project: Research
Effects of mass transport on the solid-electrolyte interphase and performance of the lithium-mediated N2 reduction to ammonia
Simonov, A., Hodgetts, B., Weir-Lavelle, C. M., Nguyen, T. & Du, H.
28/06/23 → 2/07/23
Project: Research
High-Precision Mass Spectrometry Imaging Facility
Voelcker, N., Tuck, K., McConville, M. J., Li, J., Loessner, D., Pigram, P. J., van Oppen, M. J. H., Winkler, D., Hartland, E., Velkov, T., Stewart, A., Schittenhelm, R., Williamson, N. A., Rudd, D. & Pham, K. N.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
17/03/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Improving retention and employability skills of chemistry student
Lee Fong, S., Tuck, K. & Joo Kheng, Emily, G.
1/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Framework for recreational water assessment
Henry, R., Plum, C. & McCarthy, D.
1/12/22 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Understanding the mechanism of the lithium-redox mediated dinitrogen reduction to ammonia: an in situ neutron reflectometry study
Simonov, A., Hodgetts, B., Weir-Lavelle, C. M. & Nguyen, T. N.
9/11/22 → 15/11/22
Project: Research
Near Infrared Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Imaging Facility
Egan, G., Bansal, V., Wood, B., Boyer, C., Voelcker, N., Cavalieri, F., Hagemeyer, C. & Corrie, S.
26/10/22 → 25/10/23
Project: Research
Fate and impact of treated sewage effluent from Mt Buller and Mt Stirling Alpine resort - 2022-2024
1/07/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Understanding the mechanism of the lithium-redox mediated dinitrogen reduction to ammonia: an in situ neutron reflectometry study
Simonov, A., Hodgetts, B., Du, H. & Weir-Lavelle, C. M.
18/04/22 → 25/04/22
Project: Research
Research Fellow in Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing- Flinders node (0.5 FTE)
Raston, C., Nguyen, T., Patti, A. & Little, K.
5/04/22 → 5/04/23
Project: Research
Research Fellow in Advanced Sustainable Manufacturing- Flinders node (0.5 FTE)
Raston, C., Igder, A., Patti, A. & Little, K.
5/04/22 → 5/04/23
Project: Research
Education in Sustainability and Green Chemistry: addressing an increasing interdisciplinarity
Patti, A., Robinson, A. & Belgi, A.
4/04/22 → 31/01/23
Project: Research
PET flowing water treatment (to remove, harvest and/or repurpose P,N)
Banaszak Holl, M., Grace, M., Patti, A., Little, K. & Doyle, M.
1/04/22 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Discovery, design and synthesis of peptide-based ligands with enhanced binding affinity for plasma proteins using machine learning
Robinson, A., Pas, E., Patti, A. & Little, K.
1/04/22 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Influence of grinding chemistry (grinding media and gas atmosphere) on flotation and leaching of copper-gold ores
Aldrich, C., Dowley, A., Patti, A. & Little, K.
11/01/22 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Design and synthesize highly selective RAFT copolymers for in-solution and for fabrication of affinity membrane absorber
Thang, S. H., Pham, H. & Hsia, T.
2/01/22 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Point of care detection of early kidney disease using infrared spectroscopy
Jandeleit-Dahm, K., Wood, B., Cooper, M., Shaw, J., Brown, A. & Ekinci, E.
Australian Diabetes Society Limited (trading as Diabetes Feet Australia)
1/01/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Parameterisation of voltammetry in a machine learning environment
Zhang, J., Bond, A., Gavaghan, D. J. & Parkin, A.
22/12/21 → 21/12/24
Project: Research
Research Fellow in Products from Renewable Biomass and related materials – Monash node
Patti, A. & Little, K.
16/12/21 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Research Fellow in bioprocessing - Deakin node
Barrow, C. J., Patti, A. & Little, K.
14/12/21 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Enzymatic processing of omega-3 rich oils
Barrow, C. J., Sacher, M., Patti, A. & Little, K.
14/12/21 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Sensing Platform for Defence-relevant Airborne Chemical Threats
Kolev, S., Almeida , M. I., Tuck, K., Cadarso Busto, V., Dennison, G., Barbante, G. & Fitzgerald, N.
Defence Science Institute (DSI)
6/12/21 → 6/06/23
Project: Research
Beyond visible endoscopy: a point-of-care biochemical imaging for inflammation and fibrosis in IBD using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
Keung, C., Moore, G., Wood, B. & Adegoke, J.
Gastroenterological Society Of Australia (GESA)
1/12/21 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Optimisation and analysis of WasteMaster conditions and output toward future product development
Barrow, C., Woods, R., Patti, A. & Little, K.
29/11/21 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
On-site and comprehensive technology for chemical weapons, toxins and drugs
Marriott, P., Webster, R., Pearson, J., McGill, N. & Ovenden, S.
1/11/21 → 18/06/24
Project: Research
Greenvale reservoir sediment nutrient study
Melbourne Water Corporation (trading as Melbourne Water) (Victoria)
18/10/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
LVis Plate without QC filters, with cuvette port and 16 spots for low volume measurements
Martin, L. & Bell, S. G.
1/10/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Stabilisation of Astaxanthin for Aquaculture Feed
Barrow, C., Smullen, R., Patti, A. & Little, K.
1/10/21 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Exploring the value and impact of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) for university educators’ teaching practice
Sarkar, M., Lazarus, M., Wright, C., Ilic, D., White, P., Thompson, C., Maynard, N. & Berry, A.
1/10/21 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
New and improved antioxidants for food and feed
Adcock, J., Crawford, S., Patti, A. & Little, K.
1/09/21 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Feasibility Study - Valorisation of Stone Fruit Waste
Patti, A., Haritos, V. & Avendano, E.
13/08/21 → 21/03/22
Project: Research
VFD Hydrogenation of Mixed Esters & Fatty Acids
Raston, C., Patti, A. & Little, K.
1/07/21 → 14/12/24
Project: Research
Australasian Computational and Simulation Commons
Mark, A. E., Chalmers, D., Sroet, M., Bernhardt, D., Krenske, E. H., Mancera, R., O'Mara, M. L., Yu, H., Pas, E., Goerigk, L., Deplazes, E., Malde, A., Smith, B. & Haung, D.
30/06/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Encapsulation beyond microplastics
Tabor, R., Dagastine, R. R., Teo, B. M., Berry, J. D. & Garnier, G.
29/06/21 → 31/12/24
Project: Research