Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 108 results
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(Re)Designing Digital Justice: Re)Designing Digital Justice
Olivier, P., Wallwork, K., Kirkham, R., Jones, E., Bartindale, T., McNaney, R. & Grant, G.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University – Internal School Contribution
19/11/24 → 18/11/27
Project: Research
An Assessment Framework: Assessments for writing with generative artificial intelligence
Gasevic, D., Swiecki, Z., Tsai, Y., Rong, J., Rakovic, M., Nagtzaam, G., Jovanović, J. & Järvelä, S.
1/07/24 → 30/06/27
Project: Research
Improving Legal Frameworks to Support Online Child Sex Abuse Prosecutions
Clough, J., Wilson, C. & Chang, L.
11/06/24 → 10/06/27
Project: Research
Just Transitions to contain antibiotic resistance while minimising potential burdens and harms
Lewycka, S., Cheah, P. Y., Ho, C., Attuire, C., Kirchhelle, C., Chandler, C., Batheja, D., Mutua, E., Ngo, H., Weed, K., Joubert, M., Mo, Y., Qekwana, N., Imbach, P., Gerrets, R., Chan, S., Molyneux, S., Varadan, S., Hinchliffe, S., Bull, S., Naiga, S. & Ahmed, S. M.
British Academy, University of Oxford
1/01/24 → 31/12/26
Project: Research
P5.3 – Efficient regulatory pathways to Australia’s lower carbon future
Gogarty, B., Webley, P. & Metcalfe, P.
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution, Woodside Energy Technologies Pty Ltd
4/12/23 → 4/12/26
Project: Research
Australia and Weaponised Trade: Threats and Responses
Toohey, L. & Sheargold, E.
7/11/23 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Evaluation of the Justice-based Impacts of the Public Intoxication Reform
Cripps, K., Warren, N., Rusho, D., Gray, S., Penovic, T., O'Sullivan, M., Arunachalam, D., Murrup-Stewart, C. & Burns, K.
18/10/23 → 19/12/25
Project: Research
Obstacles to Contract Enforcement in Indonesia
Lindsey, T., Hosen, N. & Kingsley, J.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
18/08/23 → 17/08/26
Project: Research
ARC Research Hub for Carbon Utilisation and Recycling
Webley, P., Tanksale, A., Marcellin, E., Shao, Z., Aisbett, E., Sastry, M., Moghaddam, L. V., Zhang, J., Ebert, B., Konarova, M., Hill, M., Pareek, V., Wu, H., Bhatelia, T., Greening, C., Rackemann, D., Honnery, D., Yin, Z., Hughes, L., Kaneti, Y. V., Joshi, J., Metcalfe, P., Anderson, D., Raab, M., Gilbert, A., Kobayashi, N., Anderson, M., Hennessy, T., Davies, B., Puxty, G., Mac Dowell, N., van Duin, A. C. T., Sick, V., Beever, J., Nielsen, J., Haesner, J., Theobald, D., Kimber, J., Boylan, E., Markotsis, M., Shah, M. T., Gogarty, B., Tade , M., Ao, M., Sharma, P., Garg, S., Shen , Q., Liaw, S. B., Leong, S., Dargaville, R., Soon Chan, K. & McCubbin, T.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Great Wrap Pty Ltd
11/08/23 → 10/08/29
Project: Research
Building a Model of Future-proofing for Climate Resilience by Engaging Communities (MoFCREC) in Eastern Indonesia
Davies, S., Farrelly, M., Batagol, B., Warren, N., Novalia, W., Sifris, R., Idris, I., Lechner, A., Permanasari, E., Puspita, S. & Nasir, S.
10/08/23 → 28/02/25
Project: Research
Understanding Technology-Facilitated Domestic Violence in the Pacific and Building Support Services for Victim-Survivors
Harkin, D. & Woodlock, D.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) (Australia)
1/07/23 → 30/06/25
Project: Research
Improving legal, policy and practice responses to the intersection of domestic violence perpetration and child sexual abuse offending
Salter, M., Dragiewicz, M., Lynch, A., Banks, C., Woodlock, D., Maltzahn, K., Breckenridge, J. & McLeod, D.
13/06/23 → 12/06/25
Project: Research
MitoHOPE: Introducing Mitochondrial Donation in AustraliaL The MitoHOPE (Healthy Outcomes Pilot and Evaluation) Program
Carroll, J., Herbert, M., Christodoulou, J., Thorburn, D. R., Mills, C., Zander-Fox, D. L., Robker, R., Rombauts, L., Sallevelt, S., Ludlow, K., Coman, D. J., Ellaway, C. J., Mackey, D. A., Delatycki, M. B., Yau, W. Y., Tchan, M. C., Long, J. C., Hardy, T., Adhikari, D., Choudhary, M., Hyslop, L. A., Mann, J., Ryan, M., Hodges, R., Hui, L., Kamien, B. A., Mallett, A. J., Semsarian, C., Wallis, M. J., Wall, M., Zoungas, S., Goranitis, I., Gyngell, C., Hammarberg, K., Sparrow, R., Warren, N., Fahey, M., Stutterd, C. A., Schweitzer, D., McGillivray, G., Savulescu, J., Panetta, J., Kava, M. P., Freckmann, M., Lynch, M., Lamont, P. J., Scott, R., Ware, T., Mowat, D., Jones, K. J., Green, S., Wolfe, R., Hackett, A., Bratkovic, D., Horton, A. & Blok, R.
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution, Australian Genomics, Centenary Institute of Cancer Medicine & Cell Biology, James Cook University, Lyons Eye Institute Limited, Macquarie University, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Australian Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Limited (trading as Mito Foundation), Monash IVF Group Limited, Perron Institute for Neurological and Translational Science Limited, Queensland Children's Hospital, Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service, University of Adelaide, Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority (VARTA) (Victoria), Women's and Children's Health Care Network Incorporated, Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD)
1/06/23 → 31/05/28
Project: Research
Redesigning workers' compensation using participatory systems modelling
Collie, A., Thompson, J., Grant, G., Callaway, L., Ellen, M. & Cruickshank, G.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
18/04/23 → 17/04/26
Project: Research
The Profession and the Pandemic: Legal Aid Lawyers in the Era of Austerity and COVID-19
Newman, D., Cooke, E. & Mant, J.
1/01/23 → 31/12/25
Project: Research
Unrepresented Accused in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria Part 2: Fair Trial Rights in Contested Matters
Clough, J. & Antolak-Saper, N.
12/09/22 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Building 4.0 CRC: Better buildings, new efficiencies through technology and collaboration
Aitchison, M., Ngo, T. D., Maxwell, D., Couper, R., Breen Lovett, S., Cumarasamy, S., Blue, K., Laverty, C., Gerber, P., Merkoulova, Y., Sohal, A., Dare, R., Moehler, R., Nicholson, A., Grundy, J., Garcia De La Banda Garcia, M., McCormack, J., Vu, L. H., Dwyer, T., Murray, S., Kulic, D., Bai, Y., Davies, C., Zhou, J., Duffield, C., Singh, P. J., Bridge, A., Erol, I., Drogemuller, R. & Mahendran, M.
10/09/20 → 30/06/27
Project: Research
Understanding and responding to online child sexual exploitation offenders
Ogloff, J. R. P., Clough, J., Meyer, D. H., Henshaw, M., Manley, T., Buick, B., Lopez, K., Smith, R. & Strong, L.
30/06/20 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
Not started
The Comparative Network on Refugee Externalisation Policies
Murray, P., O'Sullivan, M., Nethery, A., Hirsch, A., Lavenex, S., Musarò, P., Borraccetti, M., Ferri , F., Tubakovic, T., Loughnan, C., Soderstrom, K., Noll, G. & Dastyari, A.
Monash University – Internal University Contribution
Project: Research
Sexual Violence: Research Secondment the Australian Law Reform Commission
14/06/24 → 2/01/25
Project: Research
Competition Law Principles for Vertical Agreements in the ASEAN economic Community
Marquis, M. & Gallasch, S.
12/02/24 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Feminist Legislation: Engendering gender justice through law reform
Batagol, B., Munro, V., Richardson, J., Mouthaan, S., Askola, H., Lammasniemi, L., Sekalala, S., Venville, E. J. & Young-Andrade, L.
1/02/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Comparative International Taxation Law
Barkoczy, S. & Poggioli, M.
1/01/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
FIDO Pilot Program in Corporate Banking
National Chengchi University (NCCU)
29/09/23 → 29/11/23
Project: Research
Digitising the Drafting of the Australian Constitution
Wesson, M., Murray, S., Dharmananda, J., Saunders, B., Stellios, J., Genovese, A., Twomey, A., Dixon, R., Beck, L., Castan, M., Williams, J., Cole, N., Aroney, N., Lino, D. & Tulich, T.
1/09/23 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Evaluation of the WorkSafe Victoria Independent Medical Examination (IME) Quality Assurance Program
Collie, A., Grant, G. & Van Vreden, C.
3/07/23 → 15/12/23
Project: Research
Evaluation of Magistrates’ Court of Victoria Family Violence Reforms
Ogloff, J. R. P., Reddy, P. S., McEwan, T. E., Batagol, B., Gelb, K. & Spivak, B.
15/03/23 → 31/08/23
Project: Research
Competition Law and Vertical Restraints in Thailand: A best practice approach for distribution agreements
Marquis, M. & Chokesuwattanaskul, P.
13/02/23 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
New frontiers of workers' vulnerabilities and the need for innovative protective techniques: a comparative perspective
Pittard, M. & Topo, A.
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution
1/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Exploring Barriers to costs disclosure compliance, effective matter scoping and adoption of alternative pricing models – Victorian Legal Services Board + Commissioner
Denvir, C., Mant, J., Grant, G., McDonald, H., Balmer, N. & Partington, A.
1/11/22 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Algorand Centre of Excellence (ACE) on Sustainability Informatics for the Pacific
Liu, J., Rudolph, C., Pink, S., Yu, J., Gasevic, D., Steinfeld, R., Du, X., Liebman, A., Ma, X., Luebbers, J., Ince, P. D., Sakzad, A., Yuan, X., Baiao Dowsley, R., He, W., Ko, R. K. L., Dong, N., Kuchta, V., Komarek, A. M., Radke, A., Carvalho, G., Risius, M., Dargusch, P. J., Gramoli, V., Salampasis, D., Wang, Z., Au, M. H., Luo, X., Ali, S., Sharma, B., Boorman, J., Wainwright, T., Esgin, M., Cui, S. & Cui, H.
1/08/22 → 1/06/23
Project: Research
Evaluation of emerging technologies for remote (virtual) inspections of building work
Fang, Y., Windholz, E., Ngo, T. & Khoshelham, K.
7/07/22 → 6/07/23
Project: Research
AICPAIRTWP7: Evaluating services provided to women in Makassar experiencing family violence: best practice and recommendations for better support
Davies, S., Yunus, R., Sebastian, E., Irwan, A. M., Batagol, B., Yani, A. A. & Arundhana, A. I.
12/04/22 → 11/08/22
Project: Research
Research, Information and Education Materials:the Regulatory Framework
11/02/22 → 25/03/23
Project: Research
Safeguarding health in International Investment Agreements
Thow, A. M., Mitchell, A., Alschner, W., Schram, A., Uddin, M. & Barlow, P.
1/01/22 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
New Technologies, the Future of Work, Skills and Industrial Relations (IR)
Cooke, F. L., Bamber, G., Jerrard, M., McKeown, T., Pittard, M., Tyvimaa, T. & Drogemuller, R.
1/08/21 → 8/08/22
Project: Research
The Australian Royal Commissions and Public Inquiries Library
Chung, P., Mowbray, A., Appleby, G., Stuhmcke, A., Anthony, T., Cunningham, R., Lunney, M., Groves, M., Taylor, G., Beck, L., Edgar, A., Josev, T., Dalla-Pozza, D., Comino, V. & Wesson, M.
27/07/21 → 27/07/22
Project: Research
Health Law: Impact of Religion on End of Life Medical Treatment in Australia
22/07/21 → 22/07/22
Project: Research
Developing cybercrime roadmap: Challenges facing the Federated States of Micronesia
Chang, L., Clough, J., Rudolph, C. & Boorman, J.
Oceania Cyber Security Centre Limited
1/07/21 → 31/01/22
Project: Research
Secularism and ‘religious freedom’: the role of academic experts in post-marriage equality law reform
1/07/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Making the Multilateral Investment Court Beneficial for Sub-Saharan Africa
Jarrett, M., Klaaren, J. & Laryea, E.
VolkswagenStiftung (Volkswagen Foundation Germany)
1/07/21 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Developing Melbourne Water's Community Focussed Diversity and Inclusion Lens for Enhanced Liveability Outcomes
Satur, P., O'Bryan, K., Muir, C., Bragge, P. & Francis, N.
Melbourne Water Corporation (trading as Melbourne Water) (Victoria)
29/06/21 → 30/06/22
Project: Research
Maritime Cooperation for a Sustainable Future in the Indo-Pacific Region
Mitchell, A., Nagtzaam, G., Guilfoyle, D., Dhanuraj, D., Sakhuja, V., Modak, P. & Mathew, M.
20/06/21 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
Review of Consumer Experience of Legal Services
Victorian Legal Services Board (LSBC) (trading as Legal Services Board) (Victoria)
31/05/21 → 30/06/21
Project: Research
Trajectories of Wrongful Conviction and Pathways to Exoneration
Dioso-Villa, R. & Sato, M.
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution
14/05/21 → 13/05/23
Project: Research