Projects per year
- 1,000 - 1,050 out of 1,144 results
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Joint Study Agreement
IBM - International Business Machines Corporation (Australia)
1/06/05 → 30/05/06
Project: Research
Improving the modelling of insolvency risk and financial health assessment of global companies using hybrid intelligent techniques
Lee, V., Gunnersen, S. E. & Smith-Miles, K.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd
7/04/05 → 30/06/08
Project: Research
Interactive Layout of Argument Structure
Marriott, K. & Sbarski, P.
7/04/05 → 28/04/08
Project: Research
Overcoming barriers to effective Internet use by community sector organisations
Schauder, D., Denison, T. & Williamson, C.
Australian Research Council (ARC), VICNET
24/02/05 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Intelligent Healthcare Information Portal to Support User-centric information Provision
Burstein, F. & Warren, J.
1/02/05 → 31/01/06
Project: Research
Resource-bounded adaptive inference of accurate conditional probability estimates from data
Webb, G., Korb, K. & Ting, K. M.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
27/01/05 → 31/01/08
Project: Research
Development of a collaborative online environment and workbench for the investigation of protein folding.
Buckle, A., Bottomley, S., Fulton, K., Webb, G. & Plaxco, K.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
1/01/05 → 28/02/07
Project: Research
Experience versus authority: science, musical theory and observation in Grocheo's De Musica and intellectual upheaval in the 13th century
Mews, C., Crossley, J. & Williams, C.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
1/01/05 → 5/06/08
Project: Research
Handheld Computer: HP iPaq H6315 Priority: 1
Krishnaswamy, S. & Loke, S.
Collier Charitable Fund, Monash University
1/01/05 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Modelling in the large
Shanks, G., Green, P., Rosemann, M., Sadiq, W., Sedera, W. & zur Muehlen, M.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
1/01/05 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
One day, we'll all invest this way! Regulating online investment.
Williamson, C., Bottomley, S. & Kingsford Smith, D.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
1/01/05 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
eScience and Climate: Using Grid technology to build capacity in studies of Australian climate variability
Lynch, A., Abramson, D., Wardle, R., Dethloff, K., Mysak, L. & Simmonds, I.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
1/01/05 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Robust face detection and recognition for computer-based security surveillance
Paplinski, A., Srinivasan, B. & Sherrah, J.
Australian Research Council (ARC), SafeHouse Technology Pty Ltd
1/01/05 → 31/01/08
Project: Research
Intelligent techniques to exploit the dynamic temporal structure in detection of attacks in credit application fraud
Lee, V., Smith-Miles, K. & Gayler, R.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Veda Advantage
1/12/04 → 31/08/08
Project: Research
Enhancing patient management and clinical systems in hospital ward settings using mobile, wireless technologies
Dawson, L., Fisher, J. L., Howard, A. & Rothfield, A.
Australian Research Council (ARC), NEC Australia Pty Ltd, Monash Health
16/11/04 → 31/05/07
Project: Research
G12 (Constraints Programming Platform)
Wallace, M., Garcia De La Banda Garcia, M., Marriott, K. & Rafeh, R.
1/11/04 → 30/06/11
Project: Research
Formal context analysis in rapidly evolving knowledge webs (4CARE-K)
Schmidt, H. & Squire, D.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Opaltree Systems Pty Ltd, RMIT University
15/10/04 → 30/06/07
Project: Research
A study of international students - implications for Australia's migration program and Australia's higher education system
Birrell, R., Darby, M., Drummond, S., Healy, E., Lawrence, P. & Rapson, V.
1/09/04 → 28/01/05
Project: Research
Research into Australia's civil society participation in the information economy
Johanson, G. & Schauder, D.
1/09/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Phidgets(TM) starter kit with motion and temperature sensors
Krishnaswamy, S. & Loke, S.
Collier Charitable Fund, Monash University
26/08/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
A notebook computer with dual boot MS Windows and Linux
Rumantir, G.
Collier Charitable Fund, Monash University
26/08/04 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Integrating Australia into Global E-Science
Abramson, D.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (Australia), Monash University
1/07/04 → 30/06/06
Project: Research
Secure software systems
Zaslavsky, A.
Microsoft Corporation (Australia)
1/07/04 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
Mobile Services
Zaslavsky, A., Hu, J. & Tari, Z.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
1/07/04 → 30/06/07
Project: Research
Fruit shape estimation from stereoscopic images in real time
Paplinski, A.
1/07/04 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
Development of a framework for the identification of emerging food safety issues: A dairy model
1/06/04 → 30/11/04
Project: Research
Tools for inclusive play: teaching Auslan sign language to children using Multimedia
1/06/04 → 1/06/05
Project: Research
Supporting adaptive diagrammatic communication
Marriott, K., Meyer, B. & Stuckey, P.
Australian Research Council (ARC), University of Melbourne, Monash University
1/05/04 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Robust face detection and recognition for computer-based security surveillance
Paplinski, A., Faggian, N. & Srinivasan, B.
1/03/04 → 30/09/04
Project: Research
Effective pedagogy for improving critical thinking
Bigelow, J., GOLD, I., Korb, K. & Oppy, G.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Australian Council for Educational Research Limited (ACER), Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (Australia)
3/02/04 → 30/06/06
Project: Research
A Compositional Model for Verifying and Programming Ecologies of Smart Internet Devices
Loke, S. & Ling, C.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
1/02/04 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
Research Network for a Secure Australia (RNSA)
Green, D., Grzebieta, R. & Zhao, X.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
18/01/04 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Complex Open Systems Research Network (COSnet)
Green, D.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
3/01/04 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
National Breast Cancer Foundation (Research Scholarship) Scholar: Ms Rosetta Manaszewicz Supervisor: A/Prof J Fischer
Manaszewicz, R.
National Breast Cancer Foundation
1/01/04 → 1/01/07
Project: Research
Information technology driven integrated decision support for mass casualty disaster management in Australia
Burstein, F., Sujanto, F. Y. & Bacon, A.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Department of Health (DH) (Victoria)
1/01/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Emergence of modular structure in complex systems
Green, D.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
1/01/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Concept-Based Multilingual Web Content Mining
Yeh, C., Chau, R. & Smith-Miles, K.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
1/01/04 → 31/03/07
Project: Research
Extending association rule discovery to numeric data
Australian Research Council (ARC), Monash University
1/01/04 → 22/12/06
Project: Research
Lightweight Laptops to be used by staff as their travel computer, for meetings, conferences, presentations and data collection.
Lynch, K. E. & Fisher, J. L.
Collier Charitable Fund, Monash University
1/01/04 → 31/12/04
Project: Research
Advanced Bayesian Networks for Epidemiology
Korb, K., McNeil, J., Nicholson, A. & Neapolitan, R.
Australian Research Council (ARC)
1/01/04 → 31/12/06
Project: Research
Trust and technology: Building archival systems for Indigenous oral memory
Russell AM, L., Heazlewood, J., Johanson, G., McKemmish, S. & Schauder, D.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Public Record Office Victoria (PROV), Victorian Koorie Records Taskforce, Koorie Heritage Trust, Australian Society of Archivists Inc
17/12/03 → 1/02/08
Project: Research
Deja-Vu - A mechanism for constructing dialogue memory for resource-bounded agents
Zukerman, I. & Burg, B.
Australian Research Council (ARC), Hewlett-Packard (Australia), Monash University
8/09/03 → 31/12/05
Project: Research
Microsoft embedded program RFP response (Community Project - Donation)
Stanski, P.
Microsoft Corporation (Australia)
1/09/03 → 30/09/03
Project: Research
Reviewing the Lincoln Indicators risk factor methodology
Flitman, A. & Smith-Miles, K.
1/07/03 → 31/12/03
Project: Research