Projects per year
- 450 - 500 out of 2,005 results
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AI for Older Australians in Aged-Care Facilities: Challenges and Opportunities
Petersen, A., Barbosa Neves, B., Vered, M., Carter, A. & Seear, K.
1/02/20 → 1/02/21
Project: Research
Addressing linguistic discordance in residential aged care: an interaction-based study on resources to enable communication between residents, staff and healthcare professionals
Hlavac, J., Enticott, J., Long, K., Haines, T., Hill, K., Harris-Roxas, B. & Yu, C.
1/02/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Young people’s experience with Australian public services
Robards, B., Roberts, S., Lindsay, J., Barbosa Neves, B., Ghazarian, Z., Smith, J., Laughland-Booy, J. & Trott, V.
24/01/20 → 30/10/20
Project: Research
‘No alcohol’ products: rapid review
O'Brien, K., Meyer, S., Jeanes, R., Roberts, S., Ralph, B., Dam, J. L. & Stewart, R.
17/01/20 → 16/04/20
Project: Research
Gippsland Lakes Co-Managed National Parks Proposal
David, B., Russell AM, L. & Birkett-Rees, J.
15/01/20 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Welcoming Standards Assessment
Wickes, R., Hegarty, K. & Powell, R.
Wellcoming Australia Ltd (trading as Welcoming Cities)
15/01/20 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Diversity and Inclusion in Canadian Security Studies: Implications for the Canadian Armed Forces
Rublee, M. R. & Duncombe, C.
12/01/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Research services relationship between Monash Indigenous Studies Centre and Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation Project
Standfield, R., Bradley, J. & Russell AM, L.
6/01/20 → 15/06/20
Project: Research
IAD: Internationalisation and Democracy
Thomson, R. & Schneider, C.
1/01/20 → 18/09/23
Project: Research
Data Visualisation and Policymaking
Trott, V., Alan, W. & Nash, K.
1/01/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Addressing commercial influences in assisted reproductive technology
Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I. H., Ledger, W. L., Norman, R. J., Newson, A. J., Stewart, C. L., Karpin, I., Mills, C., Waldby, C. & Mayes, C.
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
MEC: Mixed methods for analysing what political parties promise to voters during election campaigns
Naurin, E., Thomson, R., Hovy, D., Jankin Mikhaylov, S., de Vreese, C. & Wängnerud, L.
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
The Politics of Data Visualisations
Allen, W., Trott, V. & Nash, K.
1/01/20 → 1/12/21
Project: Research
Household innovation and the transition to the low waste city
Lane, R., Lindsay, J., Raven, R., Arunachalam, D. & Kronsell, A.
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Signature pedagogies for creative collaboration: Lessons for and from music
1/01/20 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Research Project: ‘COVID-19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness & Leisure Activities
1/01/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
The First World War: Cultures of Remembrance in Australia and Germany
Weller, C., Deiters, F., Dorrer, A., Barrett, A. S. & Regener, U.
1/01/20 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Beyond Autonomy: Understanding How New Social, Scientific and Technological Influences are Shaping the Future of Freedom
Watkin, C., Angus, S., Alizadeh, A., Chaplin, F., Davis, O., Heath-Kelly, C., Hewlett, N. & Ahearne, J.
1/01/20 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Factors informing and influencing after-hours youth bail and remand decision-making
Gordon, F., Turner, S., Baidawi, S. & Sheehan, R.
Monash University – Internal Faculty Contribution
9/12/19 → 8/12/20
Project: Research
EAP: Sounds of Siam Archive: Siamese/Thai 78 rpm gramophone records from 1903 - 1965
Mitchell, J. & McNeil, A.
6/12/19 → 5/02/21
Project: Research
Evaluation of Family Violence in the Australian Indian Community Project
Segrave, M.
Northern Community Legal Centre Inc
30/11/19 → 21/12/19
Project: Research
Booster sample for the Scanlon Social Cohesion Index for Government of Victoria
Department of Premier and Cabinet (Victoria)
30/11/19 → 30/04/20
Project: Research
30 Year Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Gordon, F.
20/11/19 → 20/11/19
Project: Research
Fostering and suPAWting engagement in meaningful activity and social connection: Dogs as a conduit to community inclusion for people with cognitive disabilities
Bould, E., Callaway, L., Lalor, A. & Warren, N.
Monash University – Internal School Contribution, Melba Support Services Ltd
4/11/19 → 28/02/21
Project: Research
DFAT COALAR grant for Brazil-Australia Partnership on Preventing Domestic and Gender-based Violence
McCulloch, J. & de A vila, T. P.
1/11/19 → 30/12/19
Project: Research
Australian public attitudes toward AI, data science & society
Selwyn, N., Andrejevic, M. & Campbell, L.
1/11/19 → 31/10/20
Project: Research
MSDI Collaborative Fund: Capacity building for SDG transformation: A Pilot program for Revitalisation of the Citarum River, West Java, Indonesia
Holden, J., Ramirez, D., Rogers, B., Raven, R., Satur, P., French, M., Bedi, G. & Novalia, W.
27/10/19 → 27/10/21
Project: Research
CICCASS: Communicating the impacts of climate change on Australia's summer sports
Holmes, D., Hall, S., Hutchins, B. & Goldie, J.
25/10/19 → 15/01/20
Project: Research
Special Obligations: Physicians in the Global Antinuclear Movement, 1945-2017
Magnusdottir, R. & Michaels, P.
15/10/19 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
Career Development of Indian Nurses: The Case of Australia
Japan External Trade Organisation
1/10/19 → 2/03/20
Project: Research
Identification of current gaps in professional development opportunities for translators and interpreters in Australia
Hlavac, J., Tobias, S. & Archilla, A.
1/10/19 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
International Symposium: Gender, Media and Japan's Imperial Succession
5/09/19 → 30/11/19
Project: Research
Salzer Foundation for the Monash Art Ensemble (MAE)
Burke, R., Williamson, P. & Murray, J.
3/09/19 → 3/09/22
Project: Research
VRT: Training interpreters using contextualised, immersive, interactive Virtual Reality technology.
Gerber, L., Wilson, R., Shepherd, I., McIntosh, P. & Avella Archila, A.
2/09/19 → 30/09/20
Project: Research
Tracing the Dynamics of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in Segamat using Beta-lactam resistant Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter baumannii: Identifying Genetic and Anthropological signatures.
Rahman, S., SyedHassan, S., Sui Mae, L., Vadivelu, J., Reidpath, D., Ayub, Q. & Whittaker, A.
1/09/19 → 30/11/22
Project: Research
Evaluation of Social and Economic Inclusion Program Services
Wickes, R., Powell, R., Forbes-Mewett, H., Wilkinson, J., Walsh, L. & Cooke, F. L.
30/08/19 → 21/12/22
Project: Research
Unregulated and segmented dark ads on social media: consumer education and regulatory options
Andrejevic, M., Trott, V., Fordyce, R. & Li, L.
27/08/19 → 30/08/20
Project: Research
Computational linguistics inventory and roadmapping
Musgrave, S.
QCIF - Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation Ltd
27/08/19 → 31/08/19
Project: Research
Response to Request for Tender: Queensland Sample Boost for the Scanlon Foundation Social Cohesion Survey
9/08/19 → 8/02/22
Project: Research
Artificial Intelligence for Stronger Democracy and Policy Performance
Thomson, R., Schneider, C., Andrejevic, M., Buntine, W., Hill, S. J. & Nakashole, N.
1/08/19 → 1/11/20
Project: Research
Animating alcohol culture change amongst male hospitality students and workers
Savic, M., Lam, T., Rose, C., Allit, B., Hanna, F., Roberts, S., Robards, B., Nielsen, S. & Lubman, D.
1/08/19 → 25/02/22
Project: Research
Inclusive Economies and Enduring Peace: The Transformative Role of Social Reproduction
True, J., Gunawardana, S., Johnston, M., Rai, S., Pratt, N., Elias, J. & Lingham, J.
1/08/19 → 31/07/21
Project: Research
Civic Virtue in Public Life: Understanding and Countering Incivility in Liberal Democracies
Bonotti, M., Zech, S., Lentini, P., Bardon, A., Eastin, J. & Gade, E.
1/08/19 → 30/11/21
Project: Research
Investigating the impacts and future of land rights and land restitution
Kearney, A. J. & Bradley, J.
22/07/19 → 21/07/22
Project: Research