Young people ‘pessimistic’ about work

Press/Media: Research


The 2022 Australian Youth Barometer found that more than half of the young Australians surveyed believe that they will be financially worse off than their parents, an even higher number reported earning an income from gig work in the last year and gig work was more common among Australians with a disability. 85 per cent of young Australians experience feelings of worry and anxiety and pessimism, nearly all the respondents experienced financial difficulties at some point during the last 12 months, with nearly one-quarter experiencing food insecurity.

CYPEP Director Professor Lucas Walsh said the research findings suggest that a growing participation in insecure work such as the gig economy is connected to education, finance, and young people’s perspectives about the future.

“The connections between a young person’s participation in insecure work, such as the gig economy, and other aspects of their lives, are infused with a combination of scepticism and deep concern about the present moment, with a tempered optimism about their ability to navigate these struggles into the future,” he said.

Period21 Oct 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleYoung people ‘pessimistic’ about work
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletWyndam Star Weekly
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionThe 2022 Australian Youth Barometer found that more than half of the young Australians surveyed believe that they will be financially worse off than their parents, an even higher number reported earning an income from gig work in the last year and gig work was more common among Australians with a disability. 85 per cent of young Australians experience feelings of worry and anxiety and pessimism, nearly all the respondents experienced financial difficulties at some point during the last 12 months, with nearly one-quarter experiencing food insecurity.

    CYPEP Director Professor Lucas Walsh said the research findings suggest that a growing participation in insecure work such as the gig economy is connected to education, finance, and young people’s perspectives about the future.

    “The connections between a young person’s participation in insecure work, such as the gig economy, and other aspects of their lives, are infused with a combination of scepticism and deep concern about the present moment, with a tempered optimism about their ability to navigate these struggles into the future,” he said.
    PersonsLucas Walsh


  • Young people
  • Financial security
  • Gig economy