Training the women microentrepreneurs in Malaysia: A growth mindset and entrepreneurial self-efficacy intervention

Press/Media: Public Engagement Activities

Period6 Jul 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleTraining the women microentrepreneurs in Malaysia: A growth mindset and entrepreneurial self-efficacy intervention
    DescriptionMonash University Malaysia (led by Associate Professor Grace Lee from the School of Business), in collaboration with Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia (AIM), developed a tailor-made training curriculum that meets the current needs and challenges of women microentrepreneurs in the bottom 40 per cent of the Malaysian household income (B40) group.

    AIM is a leading microfinance institution in Malaysia that provides financial facilities, guidance, and ongoing training to woman microentrepreneurs among poor and low-income families. Kicked off on 24 June 2022 at our campus, the training is expected to be born out throughout this year and aims to benefit at least 500 women microentrepreneurs who are microfinance clients of AIM.
    PersonsGrace HY Lee