The psychology of belonging and connection

Press/Media: Profile/Interview


Scared of being ridiculed, laughed at, or feeling stupid in front of people? You could be suffering fear of social rejection. It's the psychology of belonging and how we connect. Lisa Pelligrino with guests Dr Ali Walker and Dr Kelly-Ann Allen, discussed how a sense of belonging could increase life satisfaction and why we feel lonely without long-lasting human connections.

Period14 Jan 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleThe psychology of belonging and connection
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletABC
    Media typeRadio
    DescriptionScared of being ridiculed, laughed at, or feeling stupid in front of people? You could be suffering fear of social rejection. It's the psychology of belonging and how we connect. Lisa Pelligrino with guests Dr Ali Walker and Dr Kelly-Ann Allen, discussed how a sense of belonging could increase life satisfaction and why we feel lonely without long-lasting human connections.
    Producer/AuthorNight Life with Lisa Pelligrino
    PersonsKelly-Ann Allen