Teaching a ‘hatred’ of Australia? No, minister, here’s why a democracy has critical curriculum content

Press/Media: Article/Feature


Australian Education Minister Alan Tudge says he does not want students to leave school with “a hatred” of their country because the history curriculum for years 7 to 10 “paints an overly negative view of Australia”. The minister is critical of proposed changes to the Australian Curriculum. He sees teaching about the contested nature of Anzac Day and its commemoration as a particular concern. Two interwoven threads run through current debates about the minister’s view. First, public debates about the curriculum like this are arguably a sign of democracy at work. Suggesting that some things, such as Anzac Day, are sacred and beyond critical inquiry is not. Second, at the heart of this discussion is how children should learn about history and how this relates to their development as Australian citizens...

Period14 Sept 2021

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleTeaching a ‘hatred’ of Australia? No, minister, here’s why a democracy has critical curriculum content
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletThe Conversation
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionAustralian Education Minister Alan Tudge says he does not want students to leave school with “a hatred” of their country because the history curriculum for years 7 to 10 “paints an overly negative view of Australia”. The minister is critical of proposed changes to the Australian Curriculum. He sees teaching about the contested nature of Anzac Day and its commemoration as a particular concern. Two interwoven threads run through current debates about the minister’s view. First, public debates about the curriculum like this are arguably a sign of democracy at work. Suggesting that some things, such as Anzac Day, are sacred and beyond critical inquiry is not. Second, at the heart of this discussion is how children should learn about history and how this relates to their development as Australian citizens.
    Producer/AuthorLucas Walsh
    PersonsLucas Walsh


  • Anzac Day
  • Citizenship education
  • critical thinking
  • students
  • history curriculum
  • Australian Curriculum