Stirring films made the Snowy scheme a nationbuilding project. Could the troubled Snowy 2.0 do the same?

Press/Media: Article/Feature


Smaill. B. & Fitch, K. (2024, May 15). Stirring films made the Snowy scheme a nationbuilding project. Could the troubled Snowy 2.0 do the same? The Conversation.

Period15 May 2024

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleStirring films made the Snowy scheme a nationbuilding project. Could the troubled Snowy 2.0 do the same?
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletThe Conversation
    Media typeWeb

    Snowy 2.0 is overseen by a government-owned corporation, Snowy Hydro. Its public relations program includes social media, an onsite Discovery Centre and a YouTube channel with monthly video updates narrated by Snowy 2.0 personnel. Despite these efforts, Snowy 2.0 is now nationally known for slow progress and cost blowouts. 

    Is it too late to change these perceptions? Not necessarily. Energy projects can be powerfully reimagined and legitimated in the public sphere. The original Snowy Scheme of the 1950s offers a formidable template.

    Smaill. B. & Fitch, K. (2024, May 15). Stirring films made the Snowy scheme a nationbuilding project. Could the troubled Snowy 2.0 do the same? The Conversation.
    PersonsBelinda Smaill, Kate Fitch


  • Energy promotion
  • Documentary
  • Public relations