Space Art or Space Culture

  • Sarah Pell
  • Susmita Mohunty
  • Ulrike Kuckner
  • Bernard H. Foing
  • Susmita Mohunty
  • Ulrike Kuckner
  • Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk
  • Marko Peljhan
  • Miha Turšič
  • Stavros Katsanevas
  • Rob La Frenais
  • Andie Gracie
  • Damien Hartmann
  • Eléonore Hellio
  • Jean-Luc Soret
  • Regina de Miguel
  • Vanessa Lorenzo
  • Miha Turšič
  • Marco Volponi
  • Eléonore Hellio
  • Vanessa Lorenzo

Press/Media: Blogs, Podcasts and Social MediaPodcasts


After the dreams, enthusiasm, skills and knowledge of the 20th Century that put humans in outer space -be it directly or indirectly with probes, satellites, and other scientific instruments- what are the current visions and approaches of and for space art, science and culture as we have entered the 21st Century and the "Age of Anthropocene" on Earth?

With the Leonardo Space and the Arts Workshops that took place between 1997 and 2004 and the delocalized events of 2005, Leonardo/Olats contributed to make the "space art community" visible to itself and to promote the artists involved in this field. It brought together not only artists, but also scientists, space engineers, space lawyers and ethicist, curators and teachers and helped frame exchanges and collaborations.
Nowadays, this field is blossoming with numerous projects and activities ocuring around the world.
Fourteen years later and well into the 21st century, Leonardo/Olats is questionning anew the field of space art, science and culture by reconvening and proposing a new series of workshops.

This first workshop (only by invitation), taking place at the house of rocket scientist pioneer and Leonardo founder Frank Malina, proposes to address two main threads:


  • Space in the 21st Centuy, what for?
    From Space Habitat, to Space Tourism and Space Ecology
    This thread discusses questions such as: What do we want to do in space and why? What kind of space habitat are we envisionning? Is space tourism such a great idea? What would be a space ecology and a sustainable access to space? What kind of art are we interested to deploy and create? Should we move on with our previous approaches or can we already witness new alternative visions?


  • Art, Culture and Space Sciences
    Where do space sciences stand in relation to art and culture ?
    Under the term "space sciences" we mean both sciences done in/from space and sciences about space achieved in space or from Earth. This includes science done in space to take advantage of micro gravity condition, earth science done from space but also astonomy be it done from space or on earth (from landing a probe on a comet, to robots on Mars, to detecting gravitational waves, to name just recent iconic achievements).
    Even before sending art into space or creating art in relation to the human presence into space, Astronomical art has been one of the founding branches of "space art", depicting our "Visions of Space". In this thread, we discuss new approaches and programmes dealing with art related to contemporary astronomy on the one hand and to space sciences as defined here on the other.


Period23 Mar 2019

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleSpace Art or Space Culture?
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletCreative Disturbance / Audiolats
    Media typeWeb
    Duration/Length/SizeDuration 4'31
    DescriptionLeonardo Space Art & Science Workshop “Visions for the 21st Century”, Paris, March 2019 co-organised by Annick Bureaud and Ewen Chardronnet.Each participant answered the same first question and then two other questions picked up among a set of cards. Sound design Jean-Yves Leloup.Project website: supported by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation – – What has attracted you to space, 13’381 – Humans or Robots, 4’232 – Dark Night or Full Moon, 4’373 – Astronomy or Astronautics, 4’574 – Colony or Space Station, 10’065 – Space Art or Space Culture, 4’316 – We are in 2121, if we were to have a workshop on space art science and culture, what would you like to be talking about, 6’367 – Ask your own question and answer it, 7’21
    Producer/AuthorAnnick Bureaud and Ewen Chardronnet
    PersonsSarah Pell, Susmita Mohunty, Ulrike Kuckner
  • TitleWhat has attracted you to space?
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletCreative Disturbance/ Audiolats
    Media typeWeb
    Duration/Length/SizeDuration 13:38
    DescriptionAudiolats art Leonardo Space Art & Science Workshop “Visions for the 21st Century”, Paris, March 2019 co-organised by Annick Bureaud and Ewen Chardronnet. Each participant answered the same first question and then two other questions picked up among a set of cards. Sound design Jean-Yves Leloup. Project website: Project supported by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation – 0 – What has attracted you to space, 13’38 1 – Humans or Robots, 4’23 2 – Dark Night or Full Moon, 4’37 3 – Astronomy or Astronautics, 4’57 4 – Colony or Space Station, 10’06 5 – Space Art or Space Culture, 4’31 6 – We are in 2121, if we were to have a workshop on space art science and culture, what would you like to be talking about, 6’36 7 – Ask your own question and answer it, 7’21
    Producer/AuthorAnnick Bureaud and Ewen Chardronnet.
    PersonsSarah Pell, Bernard H. Foing, Susmita Mohunty, Ulrike Kuckner, Ekaterina Lapina-Kratasyuk, Marko Peljhan, Miha Turšič, Stavros Katsanevas, Rob La Frenais, Andie Gracie, Damien Hartmann, Eléonore Hellio, Jean-Luc Soret, Regina de Miguel, Vanessa Lorenzo
  • TitleHumans or Robots?
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletCreative Disturbance/ Audiolats
    Media typeWeb
    Duration/Length/SizeDuration 4'23
    DescriptionLeonardo Space Art & Science Workshop “Visions for the 21st Century”, Paris, March 2019co-organised by Annick Bureaud and Ewen Chardronnet.Each participant answered the same first question and then two other questions picked up among a set of cards. Sound design Jean-Yves Leloup.Project website: supported by the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation – – What has attracted you to space, 13’381 – Humans or Robots, 4’232 – Dark Night or Full Moon, 4’373 – Astronomy or Astronautics, 4’574 – Colony or Space Station, 10’065 – Space Art or Space Culture, 4’316 – We are in 2121, if we were to have a workshop on space art science and culture, what would you like to be talking about, 6’367 – Ask your own question and answer it, 7’21
    Producer/AuthorAnnick Bureaud and Ewen Chardronnet
    PersonsSarah Pell, Miha Turšič, Marco Volponi, Eléonore Hellio, Vanessa Lorenzo


TitleLeonardo Space Art & Science Workshop “Visions for the 21st Century”, Paris, March 2019
LocationThe house of rocket scientist pioneer and Leonardo founder Frank Malina, Paris, France
Period23 Mar 2019 → 24 Mar 2019


  • Space Art
  • science communication
  • Culture
  • Human spaceflight
  • Extreme performance