Smart manufacturing, and research and development commercialisation at Monash, will be enhanced by a $16.12 million investment through the Victorian Higher Education State Investment Fund (VHESIF).
The investment will deliver far-reaching benefits to the Victorian community by enhancing research commercialisation, supporting the creation of future industries and jobs, accelerating the attraction of international investment, and building access to global supply chains.
Monash’s leadership in advanced manufacturing, biomedical innovation and pharmaceutical sciences will deliver job growth, and drive economic prosperity for the Victorian industry and community.
The funding will support investment integration to maximise impact in three core areas across the Monash Technology Precinct by June 2022, including:
- Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC): Expansion of MMIC’s presence to a new node at Clayton, allowing the scale-up of medicine manufacturing capability, and support for clinical trials and growth of exports and jobs.
- UP-LINK university partner collaboration space: A platform at the heart of Clayton campus that will drive manufacturing innovation and modernisation. This will provide industry with early access to Monash research and talent pipelines. In addition, incubator and startup facilities will support commercialisation and spinouts, enabling entrepreneurial activity across the precinct, and creating new businesses.
- oNKo-innate Headquarters: A biotechnology research and development facility to accelerate the development of cancer therapies, enabling target identification, validation, and subsequent development, manufacturing and commercialisation of cancer treatments.