Private information of more than 100 Australians exposed amid huge China police data leak

  • Lennon Chang

Press/Media: Expert Comment


Monash University cybersecurity and cybercrime specialist Lennon Chang said the amount of data that was leaked by the hacker was "unprecedented".

"This is a huge database, including all the personal information and the criminal records that have been kept [by the police]," Dr Chang said.
































































































































































































































































"On Twitter or other social media, people are confirming the accuracy of the data, so it actually increases the value of the data."
































































































































































































































































By posting some of the records online, Dr Chang explained, the hacker was showing the data set is accurate to attract more potential buyers.

"He's not just trying to sell to one person," Dr Chang said, adding that many people were searching for the sample data and trying to play with it.

"There is data, so there is money."


Period8 Jul 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitlePrivate information of more than 100 Australians exposed amid huge China police data leak
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletABC
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionMonash University cybersecurity and cybercrime specialist Lennon Chang said the amount of data that was leaked by the hacker was "unprecedented".

    "This is a huge database, including all the personal information and the criminal records that have been kept [by the police]," Dr Chang said.

    "On Twitter or other social media, people are confirming the accuracy of the data, so it actually increases the value of the data."

    By posting some of the records online, Dr Chang explained, the hacker was showing the data set is accurate to attract more potential buyers.

    "He's not just trying to sell to one person," Dr Chang said, adding that many people were searching for the sample data and trying to play with it.

    "There is data, so there is money."
    Producer/AuthorBang Xiao
    PersonsLennon Chang


  • China police data leak
  • personal data protection
  • Uyghur