Living River: A Pathway to Revitalise the Citarum River

Press/Media: Other


This film, documents the Citarum Action Research Program (CARP), aims to give a voice to the lived experience of vulnerable communities that live along the Citarum River, explore community-led approaches for urban transformation and share key lessons learned through our collaborations with communities and governments in Indonesia to address river pollution together. 

Period5 Dec 2023

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleLiving River: A Pathway to Revitalise the Citarum River
    Media typeOther
    DescriptionThis film, documents the Citarum Action Research Program (CARP), aims to give a voice to the lived experience of vulnerable communities that live along the Citarum River, explore community-led approaches for urban transformation and share key lessons learned through our collaborations with communities and governments in Indonesia to address river pollution together.
    PersonsMichaela Prescott, Paris Hadfield, Shanti Sumartojo, Alex Lechner, Alyas Widita, Dwinanti Rika Marthanty, Reni Suwarso, Kartika Hajar Kirana, Nanda Astuti, Fithrotul Khikmah, Farhan Dzakwan Taufik, Bagus Aditya, Ridwan Hakim, Annisa Eka Oktariani, Diego Ramirez, Tony Wong, Jane Holden, Tanvi Maheshwari, Ruben Jimenez Redal, Dicky Tanumihardja, Rob Raven, Dianty Ningrum, M Adhiraga Pratama, Cindy Priadi, Osha Ombasta, Cipta Endyana, Britta Denise Hardesty, Melissa A. Skidmore, Christian Zurbruegg, David Sutasurya, Yuvita Rakhman, Ramdhan Ismanto, Rutger Pasman, Patrisius Marvin, Ilya Saptarini, Bennedictus Bagustantyo, Adeline Alika Putri M