Five ways to reboot your organisation and develop diverse leaders

Press/Media: Article/Feature


As the COVID-19 pandemic changes how we live and work, our vision of who should lead is also changing.

A new study from Monash Business School shows how organisations need to adopt a critical lens to not only examine who traditionally emerges as a leader but to consider the leadership talent that may be going unnoticed.

A team from Monash Business School’s Department of Management  ̶  Professor Julie Wolfram Cox, PhD candidate Karryna Madison and Associate Professor Nathan Eva  ̶  have developed a process for practitioners to help businesses understand how leadership emerges.

“A critical analysis of the emergent leadership field was needed to understand what we know about emergent leadership, how we know it, and whose views are privileged,” Prof Wolfram Cox says.

Based on their research, they encourage practitioners to reflect on how certain individuals come to be seen as leaders, even when they are not in formal leadership roles.

Period31 Dec 2022

Media coverage


Media coverage


  • Leadership
  • Covid-19
  • Emergent leadership
  • #MeToo
  • leadership development
  • gender