Exploring the night sky with astronomer Michael Brown

Press/Media: Profile/Interview


Astronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences. Ancient civilisations and indigenous cultures all looked very carefully at the wonders of the night sky. 

More recently, the discovery of gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein, continue to excite researchers around the world. And what's so special about the imminent blue supermoon eclipse? 

Associate Professor Michael Brown is an observational astronomer at Monash University. He joined Summer Nightlife presenter Suzanne Hill.

Period5 Jan 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleExploring the night sky with astronomer Michael Brown
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletABC
    Media typeRadio
    Duration/Length/Size50min 52sec
    DescriptionAstronomy is one of the oldest natural sciences. Ancient civilisations and indigenous cultures all looked very carefully at the wonders of the night sky.

    More recently, the discovery of gravitational waves, predicted by Einstein, continue to excite researchers around the world. And what's so special about the imminent blue supermoon eclipse?

    Associate Professor Michael Brown is an observational astronomer at Monash University. He joined Summer Nightlife presenter Suzanne Hill.
    Producer/AuthorSuzanne Hill
    PersonsMichael Brown


  • Astronomy
  • Space