Eavesdropping on cell communications to treat cancer with drug resistance

Press/Media: Article/Feature


Cells can communicate with each other. They communicate with neighbouring or distant cells by secreting lipid-bound vesicles known as extracellular vesicles (EVs). All types of cells discharge EVs, which provide information about the originating cells and their physiological state.

This study aimed to provide insights on how EVs help cancer progression by promoting cancer cells’ survival and mediating drug resistance. Chemotherapy, which is supposed to destroy cancer cells, is ineffective because cells are resistant. After it was suggested that EVs originating from cancer cells could mediate chemoresistance (drug resistance to chemotherapy), a panel of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) cell lines with more or less sensitive to a chemotherapeutic drug known as cisplatin were examined.

Period29 Sept 2021

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