Activity: Participating in or organising an event types › Contribution to workshop, seminar, course
The workshop introduced the MUARC-TAC ECIS program and brought together representatives from the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), Victoria Police, VicRoads, the Department of Justice and Community Services (Victoria), The Alfred Hospital and Monash University. The Workshop was also attended by six personnel from the Tanzania Ministry of Work. In total, there were 28 attendees.
The objective focused on four serious injury crashes. Discussion centred on ways to reduce the incidence of similar crashes and eliminate serious injury. The implications for road safety strategy was also discussed. The Workshop also included a presentation on "Using Event Data Recorders and Simulated Reconstructions in the Analysis of Crash Causation".
This event was number six in a series of nine Expert Panels. A/Prof Fitzharris led the discussions.