MONASH UNIVERSITY (Organisational unit)

Activity: Industry, Government and Philanthropy Engagement and PartnershipsConsultancy


Chondrichthyan Bycatch Research Group

Shark and Ray Handling Practices: A guide for commercial fishers in southern Australia

To help commercial fishers return live sharks to the ocean and increase their survival, AFMA in collaboration with Monash University and the shark fishing industry, have developed Shark and Ray Handling Practices – A guide for commercial fishers in southern Australia. The guide presents recommendations to help minimise the damage to species accidentally caught, information on the biology of commonly encountered species, and current research into shark survival after release.

Australian waters are home to a diverse and unique array of sharks, rays and related species, which play an important role in our aquatic ecosystems and some Australian fisheries. Operational practices can have a significant impact on survival rates. The guide assists fishers in making informed decisions on how long fishing gear should be in the water, the type of gear being used, and handling practices in order to maximise the chance of captured animals surviving.
Degree of RecognitionNational