How to find poems in prose

    Activity: Community Talks, Presentations, Exhibitions and EventsPublic lecture/debate/seminar


    Once thought of as ‘invalid’, fanciful and self indulgent the use of poetry in qualitative research has taken some time to become both a valid method of inquiry and analysis, and an appropriate style of re-presenting research findings. As such it has become a popular creative alternative method for researchers to share transcript data. Despite this there is not widespeard use of poetic reprsentation in sport or physical education nor is there a definitive step by step process for the would be poet-researcher to follow that describes exactly ‘how to find poems in their prose’ – this paper fills these gaps. This paper shares my methodological journey from researcher to poet-researcher by sharing a detailed step-by-step process to find poems in prose. By using interview data collected at the Gay Games sporting event this process is then applied to transcript data in a live, real time worked sample. By the end a poem is constructed and left to stand alone, the final product of a process – and example of something ‘found’. It is hoped this paper is useful to others working with interview data and wanting to utilize poetics instead of traditional narrative.
    Event titleInternational Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise 2018
    Event typeConference
    Conference number6th
    LocationVancouver, Canada, British ColumbiaShow on map