This extended seminar merges the combined works of a number of international researchers under the overarching aim to showcase interdisciplinary research in tourism (Tribe, 1997; Darbellay & Stock, 2012; Oviedo-Garcia, 2016). In particular, critical tourism geographies is considered an archetype of the interdisciplinary endeavour because of its tendency to draw from various geographies including human, economic and physical geographies most broadly, as well as more specialised foci such as feminist, development, cultural, urban and rural geographies, among others (Lew, 1999; Iaonnides & Debbage, 1998; Hall, 2005; Lew & Williams, 2008; Burns & Novelli, 2008). But more than that, interdisciplinarity is central to investigations of tourism and its critique of people, place and space and the dynamics that are embedded in what are very often complex and multi-faceted interrelationships (Muller, Saarinen & Funck, 2018). Research on tourism is arguably and necessarily interdisciplinary, characteristically embracing epistemologies and ontologies that traverse geography, anthropology, sociology, economics, management, marketing, sustainability and a host of other intervening scholarly specialisms. In this seminar, scholars will present work that is demonstrably interdisciplinary reinforcing that tourism, as a focus of academic research, might be an ideal platform from which rich seams of collaborative endeavour might spring.Period | 25 Sept 2018 |
Visiting from | National University of Singapore (Singapore) |
Visitor degree | PhD |
Degree of Recognition | International |
- tourism
- tourism research
- tourism geographies
- critical tourism
- interdisicplinarity
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