Draft Declared Mine Regulations 2022 and RIS for public consultation

Activity: External Academic EngagementSubmissions to industry or govt committees, commissions and inquiries


Resources Trinity Group at Monash University’s Department of Civil Engineering was formed in 2021 on the recognition of related problems in three broad fields, namely Critical Mineral, Mine Rehabilitation and Mine Tailings. By bringing together relevant researchers, and increasingly, industry representatives, the Resources Trinity is working towards synergistic solutions.

Independent research undertaken by Resources Trinity Group at Department of Civil Engineering, Monash University, explores the opportunity to improve the social sustainability of mine and quarry rehabilitation by increasing the influence of local government within the rehabilitation planning process. Our research focused on promoting the principles of sustainable development through to the transformation of end-of-life mine land to alternative land uses through rehabilitative and restorative processes to achieve socially, environmentally and economically successful outcomes.
Drawing on strategic planning documentation from local governments and the experiences of 20 council officers in Victoria, Australia in relation to quarries within their municipalities, evidence suggests that local governments are well-positioned to provide strategic guidance to private proponents in determining restoration end-uses of value to the local community. Trends in the geographic and demographic distributions of strategic objectives of councils highlight significant variation in the way in which state policy is broken down and contextualised at a local scale. The narrow spatial context of councils provides greater opportunity to address the variability of social conditions across Victoria. This benefit can be applied to rehabilitation planning through the identification of suitable end uses for rehabilitated mining land, with the table below highlighting the overlap between councils’ strategic planning priorities and six potential end uses.
Period17 Aug 2022
Work forDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) (Victoria), Australia, Victoria
Degree of RecognitionRegional